My first season

This is my first season, im trying to germinate 27 varieties, i got the pepper crazy really bad, what are your advice, im planing to keep seed of all of them isolating with thule bags and tomato cages,  my plant is to put them in 5 gallon buckets is this right? some im going to get them in bigger pots to se what happen, and im trying some hydroponics, to find out and next year planting a big field i have without use, my plan is to make super hot sauce, salts, jams, rubs, and chili powder.
my grow list it this 
Carolina reaper    Habanero Chocolate Habanero CGN 21500 Habanero White Bullet 7 Pot White 7 Pot Brainstrain Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Rojo Bhut Jolokia White Bhut Jolokia Morado Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Fatalli mix (white red Chocolate) Fatalli Yellow Holiday Time Explosive Ember Super chilli Black pearl  7 Pot Jonah Pimienta de Neyde
so i have some questions whats the best pot size?
Whats the best way to isolate for seeds,
how many time i have to have the plants on the grow light?
how do you fertilize when only organic mater in pots?
do you recommend any other variety to try grow?
i live near Phoenix, what are you're recommendations on extreme heat?
i have a concern on self watering buckets with hydroponic solution, what happens if the water gets really hot or how do you prevent it?
i bought some live plants they just arrived but some loose all the leaves, i put them in double cup method and under the grow light i just wait or what do you recommend, i post a pic of the plants.
thanks in advance, im getting really deep in this pepper world, 

I can not offer too much help as I am just learning as well, But so far with these guys, I have learned quite a bit. First off, My peppers are on a 18 hr on, 6 hr off schedule with my grow light, I always bottom feed, Mist the plants once or twice a day. You have the right Idea with 5 Gallon Buckets as peppers can often grow very extensive root systems. as far as your transplants, I would keep them in a nice well draining soil, Water directly after transplant, then let the soil dry most of the way, then give them another good soaking. they should pop right back to life. dropped leaves are not really a big deal as long as there are still some there for some intake. the spots where the leaves dropped off (Nodes) will have new growth in a week or so.
Welcome to THP and Happy Growing
WeaslyPepper said:
Thanks to all, making my best to get this pepper in great shape, any advise is more than welcome !!! :dance:  :hell:
Way too many questions in first post but I will address, "i bought some live plants they just arrived but some loose all the leaves, i put them in double cup method and under the grow light i just wait or what do you recommend".

I have no idea what a double cup method is but that potting media is way too wet. I've received live plants from CCN & Juanitos and did not have the yellowing, drooping and only minor leaf drop. The only thing I can recommend is to get these plants outside with a small amount of sunshine to harden off, heat shouldn't be an issue.

Below is what Cross Country Nurseries plants look like after arrival. Good luck!

One issue at a time.  
First thing, before answering all of those other questions - you need to make sure that these survive.
Do you have a fan on those plants?  Because they are drooping.  They look like how a person feels, after sitting in a sauna for 3 hours.  And the media seems too wet. If you are in Phoenix, why are those plants in cups still inside?  I just looked at your local weather, and your temps are, roughly, between 80 and 60 for the next week.  Get them outside! (but not into full sun yet)
I'm sorry to say, but it looks like you've already lost a couple of the plants in your solo cups.  When seedlings droop that badly, there is a good chance that they are about to dampen off.  
Sorry for all the questions some times i got carried away  :rolleyes: , it wasn't drooping i just spray the a bit when took the picture, the soil is a mix of perlite, peat moss, some compost and sand is it ok? some f the seedlings are recovering ok to my thoughts what do you think, but the ones that loose all the leaves are not getting any where, is there anything to save? do you recommend to put them outside for short times of the day? yes weather is around 70 the room with the t8 lights i have the is around 85 im controlling the temp for the jiffy pellets, thanks for the time and answers !!  :P 
Choc bhut, IMO, looks like damping off. (see the brown part of the stem where it goes into the soil)
The bottom (green) stick may come back to life. id say the brown one above it is done.