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My first Superhot Pepper. :D

I've eaten Bhuts & Red Savinas - both raw, both times I regretted it & called myself an idiot.

And that experience is what I base my opinion on - i'd cook with them but see no point in eating them raw. :cheers:
I've eaten Bhuts & Red Savinas - both raw, both times I regretted it & called myself an idiot.

And that experience is what I base my opinion on - i'd cook with them but see no point in eating them raw. :cheers:

The endorphin rush is an excellent reason. Sure you start out with A LOT of pain, but once the rush kicks in, you're left in a euphoric state and the pain isn't that bad. That's the reason I eat them raw.
I've eaten Bhuts & Red Savinas - both raw, both times I regretted it & called myself an idiot.

And that experience is what I base my opinion on - i'd cook with them but see no point in eating them raw. :cheers:

The endorphin rush is an excellent reason. Sure you start out with A LOT of pain, but once the rush kicks in, you're left in a euphoric state and the pain isn't that bad. That's the reason I eat them raw.

I felt that state and it was nice but maybe because I didn't prep well by not eating I had some terrible pains afterwards lol
I've eaten Bhuts & Red Savinas - both raw, both times I regretted it & called myself an idiot.

And that experience is what I base my opinion on - i'd cook with them but see no point in eating them raw. :cheers:

The endorphin rush is an excellent reason. Sure you start out with A LOT of pain, but once the rush kicks in, you're left in a euphoric state and the pain isn't that bad. That's the reason I eat them raw.

I felt that state and it was nice but maybe because I didn't prep well by not eating I had some terrible pains afterwards lol

Oh yes!! You must have food in your stomach. Preferably starchy or fatty foods to buffer your stomach. You'll be in store for A LOT of stomach pain if you do not eat beforehand.
Each to their own - I guess i found the experience less pleasurable than those who can embrace the endorphin rush. If I felt one, the pain & phlegm & snot & burning sensation overrode it.

I enjoy the burn I get from hot sauce or foods cooked with hot peppers. I'm not much into the "sport pepper" thing like y'all are. I enjoy the heck out of the videos and as such I'm thankful for those who do and who film themselves eating the superhots. It's extremely entertaining - I just have no desire to experience the endorphins...the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
If you got some pods left I'd love to get some from ya and post a vid of me and my buds doing a test :D I'd love to do a Douglah,Morouga and a Butch T if I could get my hands on some >.<

Gotta love your guy's expressions though!Priceless! Great vid though :)