• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My first time growing anything

I figured why not.  I eat all these peppers and would rather do it myself just to see if I can. I sowed on the 16th of April and heres my progress.
choc bhuts
7p barrackapore
yellow brain strains
yellow devils tongue



There's 40 in all so I hope to get pods on my first try but we'll see! Any advice is more than welcome!
1/3 of my final pot out. I used promix bx, mushroom compost, extra perlite, potting soil, and worm castings. I have about 20-25 more to put in final bags. Reapers, 7p Barrackapore, chocolate bhut's, y. brain strain, and infinities.







Thanks guys! Hopefully this soil mix will do well. Everything from germ to solo cups was just mg seed starting mix with weekly rotating calmag and chill focus (at about 1.5 months in) so it's definitely a switch up. I figure I'll hold off on everything for a week unless they want water. They were pretty root bound and couldn't make it a full day in this heat without water so I think it was time to pot up. I have one which is on  the ground which is just garden soil and perlite as my mix ran out so it'll be interesting to see the growth difference. I can tell already it probably wont drain as well as the bag feels like a heavy mass even with a boatload of perlite. I ordered more promix so I should be able to finish up by weeks end if I have time. Any leftovers and I will plant in whatever space I have in the backyard garden areas. I have a couple areas that get sun from 2p-6p which will work well in this heat I think.
Had a storm so I brought the crew in deep. Saw one of the warriors making good use of the fountain....

I bought 1.5 yards of this for my peppers.  Went bulk as I needed to fill up some of my raised beds.  Seems decent but not as good as your mix. 
Right now I'm fertilizing once a week.  I alternate between Miracle Gro + Seaweed (Age Old Kelp 0.3 - 0.25 - 0.15) one week and Fish fertilizer (5-1-1) the other.  Add in a little CalMag every once in a while.  In a bit I'll switch from Miracle gro to Age Old Organics - Age Old Bloom 5-10-5.  When I get anxious I spray a little epsom salts for a foliage spray.
Still trying to find the right fert schedule / product(s) to get some nice peppers up here in Oregon.  I will probably switch from Age Old Kelp to Fox Farm Big Bloom.  Not sure why but people talk a lot about it.  The Age Old line is super cheap at my local hydro store.
This is my final pot out.  I ended up w/around 30 and gave away maybe 15. I kept some habs and Devil's Tongues that will be good to go later this year. I've got pods on some freak plants that took off in growth for no explainable reason. I'm going to top half of these guys just to see how they do in comparison. 







It will be exactly 3 months from seed on July 4th.....