My Friendly Neighbor

I mentioned in a previous thread(Caribbeans) where my neighbor bought 50 plants for .50 each which I bought from him but I really didn't want anymore than a dozen. Then he bought a dozen tomato's on sale which I also bought from him. I told him after that I don't have any more room for additional pepper plants. So this morning he brings me over an 8 inch BT Scorpion as a gift and I just went out to get my mail and he runs across the street to give me a six pack of 6 inch Thai Peppers lol. I told him thanks but I have no idea where I will find room for them. He then asks me if I wanted to give him some seeds to start for me and I told him its to later in the season. 
He is a very generous person but how can I politely let him know enough is enough without offending him ?
BartG said:
I would tell him that you appreciating his gifts, but you don't have enough room for all of the plants. They would basically be going to waste.
Sounds like he's tried that already.
Maybe you can make him a batch of your favorite sauce and if he likes it, tell him you won't have time to make any if he keeps bringing more plants.
If he don't like it, tell him you don't feel right taking something without giving something back and offer him something he doesn't care for.
Another plant huh? Well fair is fair and so I can't accept it unless you agree to accept my gift. Here, take this bag of dead fish and bury it in your garden. Best fertilizer in the world. Hey, where ya goin? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Is he a nice enough neighbour for you to take him out back and have a conversation with him, and during showing him your plants continually emphasise that you are so ful that you have to start killing plants off to make space but don't know what ones to cull.... Then even ask his opinion on what ones he thinks you should kill off ... Maybe he will begin to realise how full ... FULL Is ...  
Some people learn with visuals others by sound .. some by touch.. Maybe giving him all three will make him understand..
IF your willing to have him in your property.
Start taking back some of his plants a few a time and start saying... You just have to take this back... I told you I was full up and now I cant even fit this in anymore !!!  ..
KrakenPeppers said:
Is he a nice enough neighbour for you to take him out back and have a conversation with him, and during showing him your plants continually emphasise that you are so ful that you have to start killing plants off to make space but don't know what ones to cull.... Then even ask his opinion on what ones he thinks you should kill off ... Maybe he will begin to realise how full ... FULL Is ...  
Some people learn with visuals others by sound .. some by touch.. Maybe giving him all three will make him understand..
IF your willing to have him in your property.
Start taking back some of his plants a few a time and start saying... You just have to take this back... I told you I was full up and now I cant even fit this in anymore !!!  ..
he sees my backyard every week
Tell him that you really appreciate his gifts, so you want to give him something in return... Take him some of your pepper plants as a gift and offer to help him plant a garden in his backyard... Then explain to him it will also be a great help to you to have a place to share the plants that you were going to have to pull up because you accidentally over planted... 
It will initially be more work, but after it is planted, you will have more peppers and he will help you grow them... :D