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My garden is awesome!

Does anyone know to what extent water stressing the peppers will quicken the ripening process? My pods are huge and they seem like they are in no hurry to ripen on the plants. I was wondering if a nutrient boost through fertilizer might do the trick as well. Can I please get some advice on this from someone?

Let's say I do water stress the plants for a week or so. How will that affect the overall yield for this year? I kind of want the answers before I go trying this. I don't want to reduce my overall yield because my mouth is watering for some ripe pods. :shame:
I had one of the 7 pot peppers out of my garden and I have to tell everyone... they are quite hot. I am waiting for the Butch T to ripen so I can try that one. I am in the middle of posting the video on Youtube, so I may provide the link for you guys when I get it fully uploaded.

The organically grown peppers in my garden have the best flavor I have ever found in a chile. Interestingly enough, I would have to say that I didn't expect the flavor to be so good. I am so glad I didn't go with some other form of growing method. Organic is the way to go for me from now on.
Thanks bro. I really can tell the difference between the in ground peppers flavor and the container grown ones. I have a side by side comparison to test this out and I really can tell the flavor difference.

People have to go with what they have room, time, and money for. So, I don't knock how anyone else grows their plants. I'm just saying that for my preferences, in-ground organic is the best option for me.
Plants looking good! I haven't heard that water stressing will accelerate ripening, but maybe that's just me. Your location says Maryland, so I wouldn't expect a fall set except maybe on the jalapenos. The superhots mostly take a long time to go red. I don't know about the scorpions but bhuts can be 60 days or more to fully ripen.

What are you staking your plants with? For some of my really tall plants I use lengths of old rebar pounded in deep and tie it to the plant just under the first 'Y'. I also usually plant in clusters of 3-4 plants 9-12" apart. The yield from any one of those plants is less than if I gave it full room, but the little forests yield about as much as 2 fully spaced plants would and the group withstands wind much better.

One last idea. If you dig up your superhots and overwinter them indoors you can probably count on a much bigger and earlier yield next season.
I have some 4 foot stakes I bought at Southern States for $1.19 each. They work great. I don't want to overwinter the hot peppers because it's so nice to grow the plants from seed to pods. It's just rewarding to start over in the spring, but I might change my mind as the season progresses.

As promised, here is the link to the video I made last night with the 7 pot Jonah Strain.


I am the guy who is handling it like a champ.
Rest assured, I will be making another video for the Butch T. I did some research and found out the butch T still has the highest average SHU even above the Moruga scorpion blend. All the hype of the 2 million + SHU was over a single pepper, not the whole bunch. LOL.... I will be sticking with my Butch T's.
Well, here are some updated pictures of my plants and how many pods have on them.

Here is just one jalapeno plant.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-09

Here is one habanero plant:


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-09

Here is another habanero plant. All 11 plants look like this with huge pods on them.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-09

Here are some awesome ghost pepper pods. Look how huge.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-09

Here is a few 7 pots. These guys are hot!


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-09

The star of the show... the Butch T trinidad scorpion. this thing is almost 3 inches long!


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-09

So, guys, look and drool at the awesomeness that is my future yield. LOL.... I can't wait for that Butch T. I have hundreds of peppers that are almost ready and will have thousands by the end of the season.
Awesome Wolfman!
The garden looks great and those plants healthy as all hell! Looks like your going to have a very productive season.
BTW.. What's the tune at the begining of the vid?
It's from a christian heavy metal band called War Of Ages. I forgot the exact song I used, but remember the band.

Thanks for the encouragement. This season has already given me some very mammoth Giant Jalapeons, as to see from earlier pictures. WooHoo... I can't wait for that butch T!
Just a quick update... I did some checking around and found some awesome additions to the amount of peppers on each plant. I have explosive pod production on my Ghost, 7 pots, and Butch T trinidad scorpions. I will post some more pics when the new peppers get a little bigger. Also, does anyone know if the 7 pots have a tendency to form like a butch T scorpion with tail and all? I think I might have another trinidad on my hands instead of a 7 pot, which is ok, since I have 6 more 7 pots left.
Well folks, today I harvested my first Butch T trinidad Scorpion. I will be trying it and posting a video in the next few days. I trust that it will be entertaining for all. :crazy:

Before I do that, though, I will be posting some very nice pictures of the garden this weekend. Those are easy. Video takes forever to upload.

I am off to go prep a ton of peppers for the dehydrator. It's been a productive season so far. I have harvested about 40 pounds of chiles so far, with more well on the way. I pray that you guys are doing just as well. Update coming soon. Peace!