My ghost chili is thriving but it continues to drop its flowers?

My plants in my polytunnel literally dropped thousands of flowers before they really started to they are loaded with pods.
Clip off the two larger splinty branches and put the plant directly under the fluorescent (about 5 inches, monitor if you don't get burns or Black pigmentation spots). Peppers will set pods under fluorescent, though not as reliable as under direct sun light. I now have 7 pods under my 6500k grow light, with about 100 billion flowers dropped. So it should work better with coolwhite.

Also try to knock the humidity up a bit, but a bowl of water on your radiator or put a humidifier on. 50-65% gives a lot better pollination.
what's the coldest temp at lights off time?
Mine indoors it was not getting cold enough for them to produce... but when I started putting them outdoors they podded up like crazy because it had a full cool/hot cycle.
It messed with all my superhots..
and on the other hand..... japapenos and sweet peppers were absolutely fine. So my superhots only did that to me.

also make sure they are drying out between waterings... how dry have you let them get?