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My ghost chilli

my ghost chilli isnt doing goid, ive had her since last June, and havent had a fruit from it.. I use miracle grow and liquid iron. Her leaves are yellowish and I noticed lil white bugs underneath the leaves, so I sprayed them with soapie water.. Can someone please help me
sounds like aphids

For the issue of no pods after that amount of time, I think you would need to tell us more about your growing methods and conditions.
Like 3/5 stated we’ll need to know more.
There are a lot of variables that could cause the no pods:
  1. Pot to small, roots restricted or damaged
  2. Not enough light or the wrong spectrum
  3. Over/under watering
  4. Bad plant strain (get into that a little later)
  5. Too much nitrogen
  6. Insect infestation
All these just over stressing the plant
Yellow leaves:
  1. Insect infestation
  2. Under/over fertilization (over usually burns the leaves)
  3. Pot to small, roots restricted or damaged
  4. Light source

The bugs, if they’re roughly pin head size I’d say aphids, so small you can barely see them spider mites, and spider mites will yellow the leaves and sometime make them kind of translucent. Aphids will also make the plant sticky, since there waste is a sugary substance.

Now to address the bad plant strain, in 07 or 08 (can’t quite remember, drank to muck beer since then) I bought 4 Bhut plants from the NM Chile Pepper Institute (CPI), the plants look beautiful tall and loaded with flowers, but I didn’t get one pod. I asked the CPI about this and (I wish I could quote, but again drank too much since… but it was something like this) they said that the Bhut was a cross between the C. Chinense and C. Frutescens and was not reliably stable and they had distributed seed to growers in the hope of finding a more stable strain. IMO this could be resolved, I haven’t had any issues since then.

All of this is off the top of my head and I most likely forgot stuff, and if I’m wrong the other members won’t hesitate to correct me.

On a side note, 3/5 congrats on the 600 post. :cheers:
get some white fly killer! Maybe you should pot up into some organic nute soil! Maybe you are over watering? or your plant needs some nitrogen?
my ghost chilli isnt doing goid, ive had her since last June, and havent had a fruit from it.. I use miracle grow and liquid iron. Her leaves are yellowish and I noticed lil white bugs underneath the leaves, so I sprayed them with soapie water.. Can someone please help me
white flies, mix some neem oil in with your soapy water, and post a pic please
Sounds like whitefly but who knows without pics. One missing thing above about the flowering issue... temperature. Temperature too high or low can affect flowering as well.

But it sounds like your plant just isn't healthy. Pests usually tend to attack unhealthy plants. You need to get rid of the pests, and get your plant back to health before even worrying about flowering. Something is preventing the good health of the plant, and it's probably not the pests. They are just a symptom. A healthy plant defends itself.
White Flies could care less if a plant is healthy or half dead they are EVIL.
If you have ficus in your neighborhood you will always have these little bastards around.