• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My GLOG by KevinH now with My list for 2013 season..

Ok this is how I did this in this my first year.. I started every thing in a Jiffy seed house with lid oust side.. So I have 20 jalapeno plants 10 serono's , 10 pablano's , 10 anaham. O Habano's of the 2 made it past transplant..

So I transplanted them in to MG garden soil... Guess I will wait and see how they do..

Last night I started the last of my Habanero seeds. I am using my cable box as a heat pad. I am just useing a baggie and paper towl. I will post up how it works out.

I will be growing them in mushroom compost sand dirt and manure..

I will fallow the Pepper Joes tips for ferts.





UPDATE Habs as far as I can death by slug... Guess I need to give them Beer..
I shipped your seeds before I left yesterday, didn't mean to make you wait so long, but I was waiting on a ripened Purple Bhut pod from a specific plant. The rest were the ones you listed as looking for, and some extras as well.
Have a good one -
LoL Yea Up date I have one flower and its getting cool. So This with the fact of I under waterd at first I might not get any to replant as seed.. But I am learnng a lot.

OK first time growing peppers. And this is after starting them in June I think it was..




Yea they are and have done better with watering them every day.. I need to find a way to start my seeds way sooner. But I think a box with a light will do that. I can keep them in the starter flat for a bit if I dont fill every hole. And go with a 12 on 12 off cycle.
I Cant help because its my first year and I purchased my plants from cross country nurseries. I started a few seeds and just put the starter tray outside. needless to say critters got into them and turned some starters over and bla bla .. about ten of the seeds lived surprisingly. It was more of an experiment. I then put the surviving seedlings straight out side in the soil. They lived. I think except one. It was a challenge I gave to Spicy chicken. ahahaaaaaa. Going to do it the right way in January. It does seem if you are limited to space. Start a few at the time so you can stagger their pot up. As I read more I have seen that a lot. You are on the right track
OK gave my plants a tad bit of water to day and Had 3 fall over the stems where like super thin where they fell at. To much water or to warme when I watered ??

I know this is an old post, but if you didn't already figure it out, this sounds like damping off. I avoided this by watering my sprouts with a mix of 1/4 cup H2O2, 1 cup brewed chamomille tea, into a total of 1 quart water.

LOVE the kiddie pool for a garden bed! Did you drill drainage holes in the bottom? Don't know if you would need them in something that wide versus tall.

This has been my first year growing, as well. I didn't start mine until July 2! No where near pods on my seed starts.
Nope no holes.. seems to evap real well.. Plus peat dont hold water. Its a mix of 2 bags of the following Sand, MG Gardan Soil, cow poo, plus 2 bags of MG Potting soil, and baged compost. And a med bag of P lite. This fall I will toss all the leaves in it and try and over winter them in a clear plastic T-Pea green house.

As for the damp off My 6 year old was putting the green house lid back on thinking the wind blew it off.. LoL So now I have one I made out of a large tall dome and I added 2 old computer fans... 1 to suck and 1 to blow out.. should keep them warme but stop damp off due to no air movement.
Well had a 2nd flower pop open. and the first one is now a small pepper,, So I will have one pepper at least.. But they dont get as much sun any more.. But remember every pod is a victory...
OK Just got word i will have a 24x36 gardan plot for next season.. Now it been used and it grows stuff now. But for a 24x36 area how many yards of composted compost should I dump on it. It gets tilled for the fee that I pay. I was thinking a yard of mushroom and a yard each of plane compost and cow. Now if I dump in a bag of fertalizer what should that be or is that over kill.. I also have as much mulch as one could ever want.. I am thinking might not be a bad Idea to add lots of leaves to the soil as well..
My list for 2013. Should be fun Some may be late starters.. Only have so much room in the 2 bed room place.

1. 7 pot jONAH
2. Red Jal
3. AJI Teapot Orange
4. Chiletepin
5. Black Pearl
6. Perple Bhut Jolokia
7. Brain Strain "red'
8. 7 POT Red Inferno
9. TS red
10. Trinidad 7 pod
11. Bhut Jolokia yellow OG seeds Asia Gardans
12. Orange Hab
13. White Bullet Hab
14. Red Scotch Bonnet
15. Hot and Super hot mix
16. AJI mix (Yellow 7 pot, Choc Hab, Mystry Red Hab + more lol mystry )
17. Anaheim
18. Poblano
19. Green pepper
20. Orange Hab (seeds are Black in color)
21. Congo Red
22. congo Black
23. Douglah ?

24. TS morouga blend
25. Butch T Scorp
26. yellow scorp
27. 7 pot primo
28. 7 pot barrackpore
29. 7pot brain strain
30. brown 7 pot
31. chocolate bhut
32. Seranno

Still need some are/should be on the way
38. Peach HalaBaluka
39. Bhut Joloka
40. Datali
41. Peter
43. Tuca Hot Choc
44. Black Naga Joloka
45. Choc Bhut Joloka
46. Capo Nuget Hab
47 Choco Nugget Habanero
48. Scotch Bonnet
49. Peach Hab
50. Paprika Peppers
51. Cayenne pepers
52. Ixtapa
53. Trinidad Purfume
54. AJI Duice #2
55. Jalepeno
56. Bell's
57. Habanero Flame
58. Aji Choco Hand gernade hab
59. Cauccino Bhut Jolokia
60. Choco Teardrop Hab
61. Tequllia Sunrise

Thinking of some reg/Spice's chili's as well....
Yea gonna give the making powders a shot.. And what the heak give some seeds away.. So many folks have just given me seeds will be nice to Pay it Forword...Plus I want to do a hot pepper eating contest..start with Ghost Peppers and go up...
Hay could some post a a pic here showing How you tie your plants to the stakes.. I am thing eater stakes or a fencing fabric cage. Just want to see to help make the choice..
Well got a bit of rain.. Guess I wont have to water to day. LoL Some of my taller plants are getting close to poping a flower or 2 open.. cant wait.. The taller ones I will use for seed stock..I will do that with every plant i grow. That should ensure strong healthy seed stock.
Jalapeno's are starting to pop nicely.. LoL Even if it is late as hell..... I have also came to the conclusion. MG sucks. with compost and cow poo added my plants should be jumping with joy.. But they are not doing that. So time to fix that this winter.. yard compost and some mushroom compost will be added. As well as worm casings, from the worms.. May as well as use this years grow operation to learn and It dont cost that much for worm's and with being able to get yard leaf's plus some stuff from the kitchen they should do ok.. Next season will be grand and will do better as they will get all day sun and the land is a gardan now.. I will have as much yard compost, Mulch and grass's clipings as one could want... I also this I will use a different Fish Emuls. next year and I will Also be useing ProMix once they out grow the tray's.