My growing session

I started experimenting in mid-October ....

First I built a very simple lightbox
reheating bottom with a cable terrarium covered with sand to make the transmission of heat uniform connected with a thermostat set to 24 ° C (75 ° F)
two fans pc for the recirculation of
between lamps and energy-saving compact 45 w
all with a timer on INPOST
07.00 am ---- 10:00 pm

container as a cardboard box that keeps the heat

these materials ...



This is the result

That is exactly what I would like to build. How many peppers will 1 plant yeild. Sorry I am such a rookie
joeknowsjolokia said:
I just put my seedlings in my aeroponic system! I'm using a 400 watt M.H.
What kind of peppers are you growing?

for now only chinese

naga Morich, red Savina, HABA white, HABA red1, congo black ....

mine is a traditional system .... Only one plant is only perlite


Fantastic results. I like the idea of evening out the heat with sand. I'll bookmark that it my head for future reference.