labels My Hot Sauce Label - Sister Verona

Comments please.  Thanks. 
5 OZ C sample.jpg

Not sure if I like the AngryNun look, just trying to absorb it.

What's the story with the sauce? Where did it come from? Will it be commercial or a hobby sauce?

Thanks for posting and welcome to THP.
You should make the first ingredient holy water lol...I was unaware nuns wore lipstick. I come down the mountain a wiser man. It would probably be wise to send a few samples out to the testers here to get some feed back. It seems like a clean label, but I am not experienced in this type of art/advertising. Wish you well in your endeavors. Cheers!
Sister Verona was principal at my grammar school and was quite mean. That's about the only story behind the name.
I did not know that there are testers here on the forum. I'd like more info on that. 
I still need a health department sanctioned kitchen to become legitimate. I give away/sell a few hundred bottles a year.
Holy Water - That's good. :P
Thanks for the remarks.  
"Like Nun Other"
"Nun Is Hotter"
Go with it!
The TM looks out of place, plus, you don't need it. TMs are already assumed, the R means your trademark is registered, the TM just means, even though this is not registered, you are using it as a trademark, but duh... so you don't need. If you want it put at end/tip of name.
Also the name is crooked.
It looks homemeade but it fits if you are okay that it looks homemade. If you wanted a pro looking label needs more work.
I would caution against using the sister's name as it is pretty unique. Angry Sister hot sauce might work and keep the image with plausible deniability for any resemblance to persons living or dead.

If you are not of the cloth, will people have a problem with you selling a sauce referencing such? I have no opinion one way or the other, just bringing it up for discussion. Will people see it as a slight against those who do great positive work and are good people?

For the label itself, do not put an expiry or use by date on the bottle. Maybe when the sauce is churning out a few thousand bottles a month, but not for small processors and hobby sauces.

Remove Best By...
Move SHAKE off the front panel and put it where the BestBy was.

Eventually will need-
quantity in US and metric on the front panel
Refrigerate after opening if applicable, your licensing person and recipe process authorities will work with you on that
Business contact information.

Have Fun!
A few of the reviewers are Edmick, Nigel, Warrant man, just to name a few, just ask in the forum for folks to review your sauce and they will magically appear. One thing I did notice not label wise but ingredient wise it the first ingredient: Water, that should never be in any hot sauce lol. Peppers should always be the first ingredient. Peppers and more peppers, Just a thought. Cheers! 
Lots of people will offer to taste and give feedback, maybe not an official "review", but excellent feedback for developing the sauce.
Voodoo 6 said:
One thing I did notice not label wise but ingredient wise it the first ingredient: Water, that should never be in any hot sauce lol.
Then you should never eat a hot sauce that has vinegar first, because vinegar is 95% water making it first! And if water is first, it means the pH was fine and they didn't need that much vinegar. Many a sauce have water, well, ALL do.
Voodoo 6 said:
In light of these new developments, everything in the store is now water. Oh you want an apple, well too bad! it's all water
I don't see how you can criticize a sauce you haven't tasted with such an irresponsible statement, are you versed in production? This person may read your post, believe this is never done, and change their recipe. Perhaps you should post over here:
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't see how you can criticize a sauce you haven't tasted with such an irresponsible statement, are you versed in production? This person may read your post, believe this is never done, and change their recipe. Perhaps you should post over here:

No Dude, that's not what I meant at all. Pretty sure Verona is a well balanced person, and that the sauce is just fine. Turn on you heart light once in a while.
Hmmm....V6 missed the post about the Sister being a mean person.

To the OP...Look at what you want your brand to be for a long long time. Dont link to a specific person, or time of life. If you are looking for something to truly be your brand....Move on from the childhood traumas.

Tell us about the sauce or sauces. What do you want to do with the sauces? Where do you want to go with 'em?

The op is named sister Verona, talking about a nun called sister Verona, who was mean, I don't think they are the same person:
Sister Verona was principal at my grammar school and was quite mean. That's about the only story behind the name.
But alas! yes indeed get to the sauce! 
Thanks for the link to the water as an ingredient boss! most interesting!
I am right now just looking to create a local niche at the many bars and grills around my neighborhood.  For the name, I just wanted something unique and memorable. 
As far as I'm concerned, Sister Verona is all fiction.  It is not a picture of an actual person I ever knew.  I could have picked any nun's name as long as it had a nice ring to it.  To a general audience the origin of the name will remain cryptic.  I only gave some background to the name because somebody asked what was the story with the sauce.  Pretty much no story.
Does the image of Sister V really look mean? I was going for a look that was stern and maybe a little mischievous.  I tried to give her a little bit of a smile.  Maybe not enough.