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My last peppers of 2010

I thought I would share my last pepper pods of 2010, 2 I could eat today, 2 still have some maturing to do:

This is my favourite orange habanero plant, the plant is now entering its third year, the original seeds for this plant have to be at least 12 years old and these pods are extremely tasty with lots of spark when you pop them in your mouth, very hot and very juicy. (I have saved a few seeds from past pods but don't know how pure they are). And yes, that is snow in the background and on the other side of the window awaits -16C/4F.


Next is my gold bullet habanero, these plants really surprised me by how small the plants are but produce many small tasty pods(if you do a google and see comments on it being the hottest habanero - don't believe the reports, its hot but not the hottest). This actual plant actually lost all its leaves except 1 that took on the shape of a 3 prong pitch fork but then made a full recovery. This is the first year for this plant.


Next, is my favourite goatsweed, this plant will be entering its 4th year in 2011, always delivers nice hot pods with sizzling power. This pod still has to metamorphosize to black, then brilliant red, it never ceases to amaze me how, brilliant the red is compared to superchili or ceyenne.


Next, well, lets just say I can't wait for this plant to die! Its a hot portugal or should I say a Not Hot Portugal. I would just up root it and reuse the pot but I paid $1.50 for the plant and nurtured it all summer. I had purchased hot portugual in the past but forgot what they tasted like and forgot their heat value but this plant reminded me why not to grow hot portugal. if the pods had a super flavour even with mild heat I would keep growing them(say like Bulgarian carrot or bishop crown) but they don't. The only thing amazing about this plant is how full its foilage and its large pods, that are full of seeds....hard, tough, indigestible seeds. Die, damn plant, die!


So, now to make a new folder on Photobucket..... 2011 and hopefully next year(thanks to Judy of Pepperlover.com) I can post my: douglahs, barrackpore, chocolate bhuts and choc habs, scorpians and of real interest locato(I am thinking of outdoor planting one of these babies to see how they weather the cold - I have a few spots where I raise some of my prize tomatoes and a change may be in order).

Thank you for viewing and hope everyone had a wonderful 2010.
Nice. Your plants lasted longer than mine! Whiteflies killed all mine indoors.

Good luck with the snow! I've only got about 2-3 inches here so far. That'll change tonight.