My New Growth Leaves are Getting these Dark Splotches

Hey you all!  I just started leaving my lights on 24/7 on the recommendation of some of you all and most of the plants are loving it but after a few days the first born started getting these dark splotches on the newer leaves.
Is it related to having more light or something worse?
Light intensity is the reason for that.  Looks like you might have something else going on there tho by the looks of your true leaves.
Thanks for the help.
Ok, so I guess maybe I should raise my light source and leave it on 24/7 or just go back to 12 on and 12 off with the light?
Regarding the true leaves, this photo is really zoomed in.  The whole plant is really only about 2 inches across at most so maybe that is giving it too much detail?
Well it doesn't hurt them at all with the light that close.  They just get a little "suntan".  If you want to raise light you can.  I would suggest 18/6 or 24 hours of light.  I run mine 24/7.
Sorry, this is my first go at growing anything so I'm not sure what  a fert is, but the soil they are in was for germination and is pretty spongy so I was watering every day and then realized it was still damp to the touch after a few days so I haven't been watering that much .. maybe every 3rd day or so.
thats what i was thinking ,  do you ( Boans )  run a small fan over your plants my friend ?

Jamison said:
Looks like algae to me. 
ah wisconsin beautiful up there , my uncle had a cabin 6 miles north of rhinelander on the river . we went up there every year musky fishing . got family in minaqua , lake tomahawk .     :onfire:
looks like the leaves are deformed from being over watered maybe? I second and third the suntan for the dark spots. 
Ahh k.  The only fertilizer going on there would be from whatever came with the Miracle Grow germination soil.  I do not run a fan, but I could if that would help.  Would the purpose of that be to dry the soil out a bit faster?  I mentioned the green stuff in another post and someone said it was probably algae.
Thanks for all the suggestions, this is great!
yes , small one for when their little , little bigger one , then i run a 16" oscillating one 10minutes every couple hours ( on timer ) this will strengthen roots for when they go out into the real WINDS . also to damp if you can grow algae on top . this will cause fungus thats no good .  i got 3" then 6" Wal-mart cheap. 


also not a big fan of m.g.
Odd man out in the light department.  I am fairly sure that 24/7 produces less than 18 hours.  I know, it does not on the surface seem to make sense, but I really do seem to get more growth than 24 hours.  Tried with 12, 18, and 24. 
ajdrew said:
Odd man out in the light department.  I am fairly sure that 24/7 produces less than 18 hours.  I know, it does not on the surface seem to make sense, but I really do seem to get more growth than 24 hours.  Tried with 12, 18, and 24. 
16/8 never let me down yet ! a fan , good organic food  .  spring water !  way la big hot peppers in the summer !      :onfire:
moruga welder said:
yes , small one for when their little , little bigger one , then i run a 16" oscillating one 10minutes every couple hours ( on timer ) this will strengthen roots for when they go out into the real WINDS . also to damp if you can grow algae on top . this will cause fungus thats no good .  i got 3" then 6" Wal-mart cheap. 
also not a big fan of m.g.
I love the fact when you run out of room, you start putting the plants on top of the light fixture! Now that's consolidating! 
Moruga, have a theory that goes like this.  For millions of years, plants and animals adapted to the way the earth works.  Seems to me they do best when we give em what they are used to.  Even things like county water and container growing change their flavor.
ajdrew said:
Moruga, have a theory that goes like this.  For millions of years, plants and animals adapted to the way the earth works.  Seems to me they do best when we give em what they are used to.  Even things like county water and container growing change their flavor.
possibly true my friend , but i'm not here to over think it . just to grow some good ol' HOT PEPPERS for my own use . 