• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

My Other Passion...Orchids

found this picture in some orchid site. if ever there is an available plant on sunday at the trade, i'll take a picture of it for you.


by the way, just wanna share that this orchid is called "cory aquino", named after our former late president...
I'm also an orchid fanatic. I've been raising them from flasks lately.

Have you got any pictures of that? I know a professor here working in the agricultural school at her university that is doing that.
Where do you grow them when they get larger? I grew in the states but in Oregon, but without an atrium or green house it was a real challenge.
These 2 orchids are really putting on a show this year; the reddish one on the left has 2 additional flower spikes going up (can't get it in the picture). There is a vertical spread of about 8 ft. The pale purple on the right has 76 flowers. Wowie Zowie!

I'll keep my eyes open plus ask some Thai and expat friends. Maybe they know good place to get them. And some other cool exotics for us. LOL

still no variegated vanilla on stock this sunday so i just took some pics of some of the orchids for sale at the trade today for you..



^ siling_labuyo

Gorgeous pictures; and gorgeous orchids, thanks for that.
Still looking forward to the variegated variety. Cheers.