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overwintering My overwintered chinese 5 color...kinda pathetic

So, below is a picture of my chinese 5 color that I overwinted. It resides in the same bucket it grew it last year. It has received some Miracle Grow, and has been on my porch now since early May....so 1 month. It literaly looks no different from when I put it out there. Our porch has had some seriously hot days. Not sure what's going on here, but was really hoping to see good production from it this year. I'd ove some suggestions...thanks!
If it's the same bucket (soil and everything) try repotting in new soil and giving it another feed. Should come good.
I'd say be patient.  I agree with Juanitos about the top part but I would wait before doing anything to it.  Last year all of mine looked similar to that.  They hung out for quite a while before going nuts.  This year I made it through with greenery on most of my overwinters.  They are starting to show plenty of new growth except for one plant which I apparently lost.
This happens to several of mine each year. Some look very pathetic, but come on strong later in the season. I cull some that fail to thrive by late June (but they look worse than yours). I would trim down the dead wood a bit. Not necessary but it gives the new branches some breathing room.
     I agree with Alden that you should wait a little while. If you want to check though, there are ways to determine if it's still alive. Try bending it or flicking it to try to feel if it's light and brittle or if it still has some juice in it. One definite way to tell quickly (arborist trick) is to nick it with your fingernail or a blade. If it's green, it's alive. If it's brown, it's dead. Also, keep an eye on the nodes further up the stem. You should be seeing leaves emerging soon if it's still alive. 
    Once you know for sure that it's dead, cut off the dead part just above a node. Leave about 1/8" of an inch so you don't cut too close to the node and damage it. After the plant has a chance to grow for a bit and bulk up its stem diameter, the wound should seal over.
     Good luck!
That top part is definitely dead. I'll try trimming that down and giving it some more time. Thank you! Waiting is the hardest part :rolleyes:
I have an overwinter, I call it the tree by now because it has been looking like this since january, i let one pod set so i have emergency seeds, this is the last of the variety i have
have you started to harden them off ? water only when dry and fan throughout the winter ? heres 2 of my O.W.'S a red bbg7 and red moruga scorpion . my chocolate 7pod and card yellow scorpion are the same and lots of pods . i'm in central il. so it hasn't been the warmest here . i'd  cut it down to above the green . let it dry out some . looks wet .
