• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

My Pepper Crop 2013 WOOT!

19 Santa Fe Grande
14 Orange Scotch Bonnet
5 Fresno Red
4 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

I honestly wasn't counting on this many sprouting.

Good luck with those. It may be a struggle to get many ButchT, but I hope you get a great late summer/fall and harvest like crazy.

Be really careful on here, as you`ll wake up one day and suddenly find you have another 50 varieties germinating ;)
Sorry guys, I haven't posted anything in this in months

Here's my Santa Fe and Fresno Peppers. They didn't do anything for about 3 months; didn't grow at all. But the last 3ish weeks have been great!. They're growing about 6 inches a week now and just in the last week, flowers have been popping out all over the place. The bees are cross breeding them, so I'll probably have Santa Fresnos next season.


All of the Orange Scotch Bonnets died. I got bad soil, kinda ticked off about that.

And the Trinidad Scorpions aren't doing anything exept growing. I don't know what's going on with them. If they don't start popping out flower buds in the next week or two, it'll be too late. I'll take a photo tonight.
Here's another Update, if anyone's following

My GIANT Trinadad Scorpion plants that refuse to bloom :confused:
Those leaves are 5" wide by 8" long

My Fresno and Santa Fe ........ The 1 remaining Paper Lantern Pepper and 3 very sickly looking Scotch Bonnets





Phearis said:
Here's another Update, if anyone's following

My GIANT Trinadad Scorpion plants that refuse to bloom :confused:
Those leaves are 5" wide by 8" long

Looks like they might not be getting enough sun.  C. chinense can get pretty large, so it might also prefer to have enough room for its roots to grow out adequately to support pod production...
It's in direct sunlight for about 9 hours a day and that troff is about 2 cubic yards.
Also, in just the last 2 weeks, it'spopped out about 100 flowerbuds

But only 1 has bloomed so far

The one surviving Scotch Bonnet and it's getting ready to pop flowers any day.
I had bad soil and it killed my entire crop but I was able to save this one.
At least I'll have seeds for next year.
......... The sickly ones in the back ground are the Hot Paper Lanters, they're not going to make it


My Fresno and Santa Fe's


There's over 100 peppers in this photo. My second season growing and it'll be hard to top.

Apparently these are some Naga Cross, which is fine. We'll see how hot they are.
I brought the plant inside and took this photo last night.