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my pepper dosent seem to well. [56k]

Silver_Surfer said:
Cross that bridge when you come to it, but lime and sulfur can be used to swing the PH up or down. Even baking soda can raise the PH.

Baking soda would kill the plants! Sodium is VERY Toxic to plants! It's like adding table salt!

Things that lower pH (More Acidic)
#1: Vinegar (1 Tbsp per gallon of water)
#2: Ammonium sulfate
#3: Sulfur coated Urea

Things that raise pH (More Alkaline)
#1: Lime
#2: Dolomite Lime (will only raise it so far)
#3: Ground Eggshells (really slow)

Good news is, most of that stuff is dirt cheap and easily available just about anywhere.
N_FF said:
i might have to do that. but as it stands i am FLAT broke i mean i tried to buy some food today and my card got rejected.... so its going to have to wait.

Sorry to hear that, I'm sure the pH is fine, I bet the problem was the magnesium (which is water solulable) was flushed out of the soil over time from normal watering.

Growing in containers has a tendency to flush out nutrients from the soil.

If you have already given the plant some epsom salt then it's only a matter of time before you start to see improvements.

When you can afford it, get some fertilizer for the plant as well... Growing chilis without fertilizer is not going to be very rewarding.

Good luck, hope your financial situation improves soon.
N_FF said:
i have some 18-24-16 ferts that i use very rarely.

Thats not bad, thats very close to what I use (Bloom Booster) which is 15-30-15.

If the last time you fed them was more than two weeks, I would feed them that right now. (Following directions if any)
yea i just gave them some after i posted the thread. though it wasent as strong as it shoudl be since i was useing the epson salts. but i do have half a can left of the watter so i guess i'll devide that up between the two pots.
RichardK said:
Baking soda would kill the plants! Sodium is VERY Toxic to plants! It's like adding table salt!

Any fertilizer/salt is toxic to plants if given too much.

It only takes a very small quantity of soda.

I add 1/4 tsp per gallon to my foliar sprays (I have well water) and the last time I looked the plants weren't dead. :D
well i have found out that the ph is about 7
definately neutrel /alkaline.
I'd add a little white vinegar in some water, bring it closer to 6.8 where peppers like it.

I use 1 Tbsp per gallon of water.
well it all turned out right in the end the plants still alive somewhat and i got myself a ripe pod. woo hooo.

the big red one is from this plant... will eat on cam later. but yea still no idea what it is.