My peppers plants are slowly dying.

They started having small spots that grow until the leaf dies. anyone can help me figure out what it is??
They are growing in a small green house due to the wind on  my balcony.


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Well, that's good to hear at least.  Thrips can be hard to spot though.  I hope it's not a virus.  Might be helpful to show more of the plant, new and old growth.  How long since you noticed this happening and whether there was some change around the time it appeared, things like moving out into the sun, foliar treatments, etc.?
I will take pictures when I get back home. They were out when we had a bit of a cold spell. also I transfered them to a glass house because the wind here is crazy. I just took out cucumber plants this week and also they seem to have a few spots. :(
Could it be sun damage from the condensation on the glass house?
I did not do any treatement yet. I did put wood chip compost/fertilizer around the plants.
It looks quite a bit like sun damage in some areas, but there's so much general spotting and the impression I got that the spots are starting tiny and growing over time isn't a great fit either.  Seeing pictures of the whole plants should help.  I'm pretty sure I saw a picture that looked something like this a while back, but don't remember the specifics. Lots of people will be logging on soon and hopefully someone will recognize what's up.  
Keep in mind that they got beaten up by strong wind and frost last week. I had to trim them down quite a bit and 3 plants died. Some look almost untouched.


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I'd like to know also.  I have the same issue with a few of my plants, but as soon as i get them in the ground in like 3 weeks they seem to shake whatever that is (know from years prior.) Always something different, best of luck! 
Odds are a mix of hardening issues and sun exposure with water spray hitting the leaves. Try and keep the water and backsplash under the canopy and not on the leaves especially if you do morning/afternoon watering. Getting a drip line helps alot in reducing this and increasing water retention IF needed.
Well there's definitely signs of burn/stress response in a couple of those pics with the tips and rolled edges.  Had they just been moved into the bright sun and perhaps hot greenhouse conditions when this started?  I'd gotten the idea this happened more over time than quickly, with small spots appearing and growing larger, but if it did happen fairly immediately after increased sun/heat exposure there's a good chance that's all it is. If it was more gradual over time, maybe not.
I dont water the leaves at all. The rest i think checks out. Was pretty fast. I think they might be getting drops on them from the condensation. Im going to leave it always open so airflow is better. Thanks for the imput guys ill keep in touch if it evolves or devolves.
What is the soil used.

Kinda looks like necrosis(spelling?)

That soild has a lot of bark it looks like. I never had good results with heavy bark mediums and young pepoers.

Your pots look really wet, do they dry out between waterings?

Poor soil, over watering, possibly a little lockout from the bark fines.

Just some guesses to think about.
Also some plants ( all plants in my opinion ) have issues with water that isn't within the right ph. Most ( especially outdoors ) tend to just turn on the water hose. I have well and rain water but I still test my water. With a heavy rain or no rain, my water can have a drastic change in ph. With the wrong ph, the plants can't uptake the nutes that you are hoping they are. Many tend to keep watering to try and fix it BUT without the correct ph, you are just tossing water in pots.
Now if you are in the city and have their water. There are many things within that tap water that can cause harm to your plants.
Masher said:
What is the soil used.

Kinda looks like necrosis(spelling?)

That soild has a lot of bark it looks like. I never had good results with heavy bark mediums and young pepoers.

Your pots look really wet, do they dry out between waterings?

Poor soil, over watering, possibly a little lockout from the bark fines.

Just some guesses to think about.
I just put in the mulch to try and fix it. it was already like that before.
the soil isnt that great its basic mix but I am carefull about the watering. I wait until it dries out properly before rewatering.
I did open the greenhouse all the time now and all the plants are growing fresh new leaves. Very happy!
They are looking way better and the new leaves have no spots on them!
I will keep updating,
@The Aardvark
I didnt do any of that but im in an appartement so I cant really do anything. I only have my tap water! Even If I test it there is not so much I can do right?
Even the few that are pretty much just a stick started growing leaves. Did not think they would survive that!
Thanks for the help guys!
i have the same thing going on my citrus plant , after i sprayed epsom salt in morning . Did you sprayed anything ? even water at viry high presuure can cause this sometimes  