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My Peter is Wilted, Flacid, Wrinkled, and Discolored.

I think the drainage issue may be a bit overblown...maybe!
I wouldn't say it was overblown, notice how everyone here is giving you the same roundabout answer?

Poor drainage, lack of oxygen, or both.

Remember, warm water soaks in faster, and it was still sitting at the top of the pot long enough for you to grab your camera and take a picture. Not sure why, but the manure compost may be plugging up that "sandy loam" you mentioned.
I wouldn't say it was overblown, notice how everyone here is giving you the same roundabout answer?

Poor drainage, lack of oxygen, or both.

Remember, warm water soaks in faster, and it was still sitting at the top of the pot long enough for you to grab your camera and take a picture. Not sure why, but the manure compost may be plugging up that "sandy loam" you mentioned.

I see what you are saying...

I thought the poop would fluff out the mix a bit. We dump all our horse poop in the riding arena, and it fluffs out the sand very nicely. Maybe I need to rethink my stategy.
Or let your horses run through your plants so their hooves can fluff the ground. :beer: Sorry I had to say it.
I say 1/8" drill bit up the side 1/2" from the bottom. 5 or 6 around each of my 5gal buckets and the drain well.
Best of luck.
Alright...not wanting to get too drastic yet, I drilled some holes for oxygen and drainage, and cut the watering to every other day. The old buds wilted off, but I'm already seeing fresh, new ones as a result of your advice.

Last night, we had a storm come through...golf ball sized hail. I was piss drunk, yet for some reason was thinking clearly enough NOT to go out in the hail, even though I wanted to save my babies. All plants survived...and the "natural" water from the rain popped up a pleasant surprize, literally over-night:


Oh...anyone know who that little sumbitch is hanging out on my peter? I don't think he's eating my plants...I think he's hunting what does, so I didn't remove him.
Looks like your peppers are getting some new growth and a cute little pod there.

I'd still keep a watchful eye on that soil though. Dig a lil deeper to make sure the soil dries out nicely before the next watering. A little tough love is good for the weenie peppers. Adding a little perilite or vermiculite would still be a good idea probably.
Looks like your peppers are getting some new growth and a cute little pod there.

I'd still keep a watchful eye on that soil though. Dig a lil deeper to make sure the soil dries out nicely before the next watering. A little tough love is good for the weenie peppers. Adding a little perilite or vermiculite would still be a good idea probably.

Meatwad gets the honeys, see...
Your mix is way too hot for your weiner pods. Get it outta there and switch to a larger pot and some (ANY!) potting mix. In my experience, the peters aren't terribly needy and too much fertlizer will stress the crap out of them. If you can keep it in shade during the worst part of the day, you shouldn't need to water it more than once a day. From there it should produce just fine as long as it's cool enough to let the pods set.

We've been getting hit by some nasty triple digits. I found a spot that gives them full sun from sun-up, to about 2pm...they get partial shade until about 5pm, then full sun until the Earth spins out of the view of that big ball of gas. So, they are getting a little break during the hottest part of the day. They seem to be dropping the damaged crap, and sturdying up.
Glad to hear that your peter is no longer wilted, flacid, wrinkled & discolored. And I'll bet your lady friend is too :-)
It's never too late to repot, I'd take the plant out hose the soil out of the roots and rinse the container well, especially if the compost you used was not well-aged, repot with part peat/perlite potting mix and water only when necessary, early in the morning or before sunset......good luck....plants do bounce back
Looks like an adolescent praying mantis to me. Also glad to see your plants are doing better.
Katydid, a distant relative of the grasshopper. It's a leaf eater, not the worst pest you can have though.

But since it is a leaf eater i recommend you squash it, or feed a spider with it.

Glad to hear your plant perked up OP, pardon the pun.
glad the aeration and limited watering have helped your pee pee stand more erect

kill the katydid and all those other leaf eaters you can find

I didn't have to kill that bug...the fresh rain and cooler temps (just under 100) brought out spiders. They are hanging out in the leaves cleaning up any herbvorous insects that visit my peter. I don't have a single leaf that has been munched upon.
yes it is cool that you have not found any signs of munching

the damn leaf eaters poo poo carries nasty plant rotting diseases

make sure the crap it lets out does not innoculate and infect your babies with the crud

them eating the leaves is not so bad and certainly you are not going to eat those leaves
it is the product of them eating you want no part of

KILL THEM ALL NOW {all leaf suckers and chewers deserve the death sentence} :hell:

"I didn't have to kill that bug" may not be the proper strategy
Wow...long time no update. These fuckers are still alive. I've gotten pods, eaten them, and realized why these tasteless bitches are novelty acts.

I have 2 plants still living in my kitchen. I'm thinking about mowing them off, and planting them outside...in the winter. Bastards...