My plant is dying

My plant have recently begun dying;
It's sibling recently died overnight looking the same, i suspect it might be because i started to fertilize them. I am using organic fertilizer, but i think i may have begun fertilizing to early. 
and btw a bigger leave started to look dead, in the second i touched it, it fell off.
Hope your guys may help.
Stop watering!!!
You are drowning it.
Wait until the top layer is completely dry and then never water as heavy as you did in the picture. Roots need oxygen too and too much water prevents that.
You still have a chance to save that one with a little TLC it'll be fine.
Thank you
these seeds are my moms, that's why i really wan't them to survive. She only has those 2.
I myself have started a lot of seed, i don't even have space for them under my grow't light.
But thanks a lot for that, i'll try and be more careful :D
me personally would take your scissors cut down the side and across the bottom and knock off as much of the wet soil as you can without harassing to much of the roots and then replant it in new DRY soil .  i've done that my first grow and replanted them small ones like that . and they survived no problem . their pretty tough little plants my friend .   :onfire:
i have free seeds since you may not have anymore:
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red
Bhut Jolokia Red
Chocolate 7pod
Red Savina
Yellow Devils Tongue
fatali red
chocolate scotch bonnet
orange hab
gold cayenne
red cayenne

send me your address and seeds you'd like to grow! 8)! i'd suggest the fresno for cooking