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pests My plants are being eaten alive. Bug Spray help.

I have been using Vegitable oil, garlic, tomato leaves, and dish soap in one gallon of water as a foliar spray for bugs. They are eating my plants pretty hardcore. This mixture does not seem to be working very well. Any other suggestions?
Raid, believe it or not, makes a good insecticide - Earth Options. I used it last year and would again if I have to.
In another forum people boil garlic and do foliar with it. Some just plant garlic along with their peppers to drive away pests away. They claim it works wonders.

Looks cheap and worth a try, before you buy anything or to to chems.

What insects are they?

, Vegas
I am not entirely sure. It must be happening at night because I only see the occasional ant passing through in the day time. At night my yard becomes a party for tree roaches but I don't think they eat plant leaves.
I don't know if you're in pots or in the ground but with my pots I usually can find the culprit problem solved. A single caterpillar can be quite destructive.

The biggest insect issue I've had so far with peppers has been with caterpillars and grubs.




The site is limiting the number of pics I can post. I hope those can be used to identify the problem. I do know at night there is a metric **** ton of roaches and beetles that come out in my yard.
Alright, Ill have my eye out for slugs and snails. Anyone else have any ideas? Also, What should I do about potential slugs, snails, or caterpillars?
I know slugs and snails hate copper but that can be expensive, Place a copper ring around plant and it repels slugs and snails
A good idea for slugs is to place a sheet of plywood or something near the area they will hide under it during the day.

for caterpillars there are chemicals that kill them and a vegetable oil called neem.
Neem kills pests like white fly too, but can also kill bees and earthworms
Attracting birds is great for caterpillars, place bird baths or hang bird feeders above or near you plants
Plant herbs and flowers around your garden to repel caterpillars. Many insects dislike the scent of lavender, mugwort, sage and peppermint

Hope you can use any of that
Kind of looks like weather damage to me, especially with that leaf split. But, if you're noticing new damage in the mornings without rain, it's likely snails/slugs. I'd go for iron phosphate, on the ground next to the containers; that always does the trick for me. And clear out any leaves or places slugs/snails might be hiding during the day.
There is some weather damage. Weather gets severe here in the south. If all else fails, is there any commercial product I can use and still remain organic?
Doesn't look like caterpillar to me. I'm still a newbie as I'm on my first grow, but i recently uncovered the culprit eating at my plants. I had a lone ranger caterpillar who managed to damage 3 plants. I had to examen each leaf on every plant and eventually found him on the underside of plant #4. Needless to say he is sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of my pool....if my pool had fish anyways.