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My plants are dying :(

So this year thanks to all the generous people on THP I attempted to grow some seedlings however since they were on the window ledge the leaves started to drop once the days got shorter. In an attempt to keep them going I put them under a 250W HPS fixture with a hillbilly reflector.. At soil level with light on its about 29 deg C but directly under the light they were withering which lead me to believe at canopy level they were getting to much head so I moved them off to the sides. Things were fine for about a week however when I checked them here lately they leaves look like they were hit by a drought and I am not really sure if I am just not watering enough or if I should move the light higher up or if something else is wrong...



Please help folks any feedback other than "Dude!! your a murderer" would be appreciated.. Is it too late to start over if needed?
They look rough. Im not really sure whats going on but they look crunchy. If youre growing inside its never to late to start over. Or do you end up putting them outside? 
Dude!! your a murderer
they look fried to me.  
you can move hps farther away
85f isn't really that hot to fry the plants
if the soil is damp i don't know how u wouldn't be watering enough. most large chiles can go a day or two without water.
We call that simply "summer" and sure looks like you toasted them with too much heat.  I"ve tried revieving similiar plants without a happy ending so I would compost them and start over.
I watered them but when I pulled them out although the top part seems moist the lower is really dry.. not sure if thats my issue or the heat from light. I plan to put them outside in natural light in April or May..
You might be able to get them to grow foliage again.  It looks like you baked em for sure.  Make sure when you water to let it run out the bottom of the pots and all the soil is moist.  I'd put them back under the lights (not too close tho) and see what happens.  You might be surprised and see new leaves begin to grow.  Good luck!
My guess is they dried out based on your description. This is my third year trying to overwinter plants, my first two years were unsuccessful. I watered infrequently as is always suggested, but I didn't water enough. They all died.
This year I am doing better at keeping then moist and have 5 of 6 still alive. The one that died I think over watered.
Only the bigger is an over winter, the others were bushy green babies but when the natural sun left so did their leaves :( Im not sure about my lighting... I am concerned its not enough or is too close.
Yeah look burned man. I burned 1/3 of mine about a week ago. My 250 hps glass broke and I got it too close when they were to small. About 3 died and the others are bouncing back. I know it's got to hurt when your babies are as big as yours. Did you have a fan blowing on them? Do you need some seeds? I purchased a bunch of varieties and will spare some, let me know!
ironoxide said:
Only the bigger is an over winter, the others were bushy green babies but when the natural sun left so did their leaves :( Im not sure about my lighting... I am concerned its not enough or is too close.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Out of those options, it’s definitely too close. It looks like it has dried them up and turned them crispy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]I would put them on a sunny windowsill to recover[/SIZE]
Got lots of seeds but need to get the lighting situation down.. seems you need maybe CFL's for starting the plants than put them under the 250W..
I wouldn't toss them. Just keep watering them and put em out when the season comes. They look dehydrated.
As Jamison said, water until it comes out the bottom of the pots "deep water". Sounds strange that the top is moist but the bottom is dry, it should be the opposite. How do you water? In small "sips"?

If it got too dry and you water in sips peat is a pita to rehydrate and the bottom could have been dry for awhile severly underwatering the plants. You can try bottom watering/soaking for a few waterings to see if you notice any new growth.