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My plants the night before they go in the Garden

I transplant to my garden tomorrow.

Here are pics of the plants.




I apologize if you have and I am being annoying but I just wanted to check and see if you hardened them off already.
I've got a lot of weeding to do first, as my garden is infested with clovers. Hopefully I will have a long sunny summer.
What I mean by hardening them off is slowly introducing them to the outdoors. The sun can fry plants grown inside and the wind can be brutal as well.
clovers are good for replenishing nitrogen. Those are big enough just dig a hole through the clover and plant. I let it grow in my garden once the plants get big enough.
I apologize if you have and I am being annoying but I just wanted to check and see if you hardened them off already.

You are not being annoying. I hardened them off, but not enough. My schedule and the recent local weather, prevented me from hardening them off as much as I should have. The plants got 4 or 5, 2 hour outside sessions. The only good news is that they were exposed to full sun and a fair amount of wind, during these times.
You are not being annoying. I hardened them off, but not enough. My schedule and the recent local weather, prevented me from hardening them off as much as I should have. The plants got 4 or 5, 2 hour outside sessions. The only good news is that they were exposed to full sun and a fair amount of wind, during these times.

Oh ok I just wanted to make sure you didn't work so hard for nothing. Good luck with everything.
your annums are a bit leggy, but seem fine.
Your chinese is suffering from yellowing leaves, are you watering them too much?
To address a few points:

The toothbrush was acting as a stake as I dropped a plant and bent one of the stems. Being under floruscent lights for 2 months probably caused the leggyness. About watering, had a lazy habit of letting the soil dry oput at the top, then watering until the water dripped out the bottom. I probably watered too much.
I had alot of problems growing seedlings in those darn little terra cotta pots they keep the soil too cold i think....any hoot i switched to foam cups....
I'm with Josh in this one.

If they are not hardened off they will suffer for a couple of weeks.
I would say that 2 hours a day for 5 days might not be enough.

Best of luck and keep us posted on your progress

I'm with Josh in this one.

If they are not hardened off they will suffer for a couple of weeks.
I would say that 2 hours a day for 5 days might not be enough.

Best of luck and keep us posted on your progress


I'll post the progress.

It may be a blessing for me that my garden is not an Ideal growing envrionment, with not enough direct sunlight. Hopefully, the plants will suffer less.
I hurt my back weeding. I raised up after bending down, and felt a lot pain in my lower back, the part just above the top of the but. It is only on 1 side. I took 2 alleive and have ice on it. I hope 2 be better in a few hours so I can plant.