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My Progress

He is my progress so far. I can only work with 1 light
and am space limited so I guess I am doing ok so far:)
Not in the Pic is my bhut jolokia that popped overnight.
Feel free to critize I could use any pointers or tips :)

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
He is my progress so far. I can only work with 1 light
and am space limited so I guess I am doing ok so far:)
Not in the Pic is my bhut jolokia that popped overnight.
Feel free to critize I could use any pointers or tips :)

Congrats HPFF, those seedlings look great! I don't think there is any room for criticism ;) Just remember to keep your light close :)
I agree, the youngsters in the background look a bit leggy. The lights shouldn't be more than 5-10 cm away.

EDIT: oops, you were faster!
Well Since my budget (thanks to the new puppy:lol:) is
limited I was thinking of taking the the 1st row and
putting them in the windows sills and taking the "babies"
and moving them under the light ?? ?? I have the light
split down the middle of the 2 rows to get as close as possible
I think I can tell from your pic that you have put sth underneath the tiny ones to bring them closer to the light, just put something bigger there. I am growing one plant each of the same variety that germinated on the same day under lights and on the window sill (south). The difference is enormous! IMO keep them under the lights as long as you can.
I really cant put anything underneath the seedlings in the back row. The edges of the cups are less than 1/2 an inch away from
touching the light. anything more they would be higher.the back row seedlings are at or even with the light its just that they are an and inch and a half to the side not under I am pretty much out of options so hopefully it will all work out

thanks for the tips
The best thing I did besides transplanting them in bigger pots myself is I still have flouresents inches away from the plants but they are outa the aquarium and on the other coffee table with a hanging flouresent fixture and right at the front window they get 4 hours direct sun a day and its like they are making up for lost time oh big time...in the last week ive had to up the lights they are going nuts with new growth and height..and im using a feed reccomended by my local greenhouse(who is growing the rest of my seeds for me im outa space lol)that might be helping too..table is lined with tinfoil and I have that aluminized bubble wrap (I used on my aquarium)on the back end with a reflective cover for the other end when the blinds are closed
The seedlings don't look especially leggy to me. Give 'em a little shake twice a day and they'll thicken right up.

Besides, he has Gunner, so who cares.
Good looking seedlings, just that I would personally have given them more light. my seedlings usually shine bright purple hours after popping out.
Well here is what I did.I moved all the "babies" under or as close to the light as possible and moved all the larger plants
to the outside rows but as close as possible to the light.
And on bright sunny days the larger plants will sit on the
window sills for direct sunlight.So heres hoping....:)
I said (to myself :lol:) from day 1 if I get at least 1
pod from the entire planting I will consider it a "success" :lol:
The process of growing and watching seeds turn into these nice looking plants is almost reward for the efforts, I agree. I wouldn't mind getting a few more than 1 pod from dozens of plants, though... :)

I have spotted buds on several plants and varieties two days ago and they are getting more every day, so here's hope a few of them will grow to become a nice, colourful, hot pod!

Good luck with yours, keep us posted!!!
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
and if you believe that I have a bridge I can sell you :lol:

How much do ya want for the brdge I got a spot to put it across the pond. So we can fish on other side instead of walking around. Also plants are looking good shake baby shake them seedlings it really does help :onfire:
Okie Joe I want 1000 various hard to get chile seeds for the bridge!!!:lol:All the plants got about 7 hrs of real sunlight today an top of the 8 or 9 from the light they are looking good. And I have been shaking them now and then :)