my redheaded stepchild

Hi there,
a couple of months ago, I purchased a smallish envelope with scotch bonnet seeds (note to self: never again buy pepper-seeds in a growshop :D)
well, one of the plants was always kind of suspect ... spoke with a weired accent, more of a carribean english than a scotch one  etc... until today (when the pod turned orange-red) it dawned on me ... THIS IS NO FRIGGING SB!
the plant/pods:

the flowers (its kind of hard to see, but the borders are purple/violet with 6 petals):

here is a mostly correct (step)brother from the same pack:

flower is whitey-white

what do you think I am raising there as a cookoo's egg? looks like a generic hab' to me ... (but then again, what do I know :D)
any bets on what the first plant could be?
thx, Al
I don't think either look like bonnets, but that is just me. Take a look at the MOA pics in Walkgood's glog, some good bonnet pics in there.
They both look like annuums to me.  I think the second one is a Jamaican Mushroom, not clear if it will ripen red or yellow.  The first one looks very similar to an unknown annuum I have growing.  The seed came out of a pack for Trinidad PI281317, but the PI281317 is a chinense, and I do have one growing true. 
If seeds from the same pack are producing different plants/pods then it probably means that the donator pod was a cross. Your plants/pods do sorta have that cross-breed vibe.
Or the seed packer (word?) packed them sloppy with anything mixed in.
Maybe DocNrock is right in a way, maybe it's a chinense x annuum cross.
Jetchuka said:
If seeds from the same pack are producing different plants/pods then it probably means that the donator pod was a cross. Your plants/pods do sorta have that cross-breed vibe.
Or the seed packer (word?) packed them sloppy with anything mixed in.
Maybe DocNrock is right in a way, maybe it's a chinense x annuum cross.
I instantly thought cross when i saw the pics.
If it is a cross then it is not showing the easiest distinguishing character for chinense - multiple flowers per node.  That is a character which they tend to retain when crossed with frutescens or annuum.
I agree with DocNrock - they are both annuums.