Some times harvesting after heavy rains or watering can have that effect as well. But probably not to the extent you're experiencing. Maybe they bishops crownÂ
Thanks for the welcome all.. These are from a local nursery, usually pretty reliable... It's the strangest thing.. They are ripe and hot just NO flavor. The jalapeños in the same plot of land had the same thing, super hot and no flavor. The habaneros from that plot are great.
Yeah, those don't look like Bonnets. The calyx doesn't even look right for a chinense. Do the flowers have green or gold markings inside? If so, then it is a baccatum for sure.
I'm with ProdigalSon, those look like red Jamaican mushroom. C.Annuum
I haven't tried a Bishops Crown yet but they're C.Baccatum and would be tastier than annuum
I agree with Pr0digal_son & Malarky on Jamaican Mushroom Pepper. I had the same mix-up when I purchased what I thought was a Mushroom Pepper that turned out to be a Bishop's Crown. Here's a pic of a Bishop's Crown: