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seeds My seedlings

Look ok I guess. Are they ready for lots of light? Been giving them window light for a few hours a day. Fatalli obviously on left and Naga on right.

teh purple penguins said:
do they have any drainage? look kinda wet, i like the rugged pots otherwise : ).

LOL, no drainage. They wont get anymore water until tomorrow sometime. Ill just put them back into the water heater closet. They look ok otherwise?
you need to get those under a grow light asap i would wait to water them till they start to dry out a little they do look wet to me hate to see those die get those under some kinda grow light though
Yes, get them under lights right now. Also turn a fan on them so that it blows a light breeze on them. This will strengthen the stems, which are too spindly right now. Poke some drainage holes in the bottom of the "pots" as well.
mrmulcher said:
you need to get those under a grow light asap i would wait to water them till they start to dry out a little they do look wet to me hate to see those die get those under some kinda grow light though

imaguitargod said:
Yes, get them under lights right now. Also turn a fan on them so that it blows a light breeze on them. This will strengthen the stems, which are too spindly right now. Poke some drainage holes in the bottom of the "pots" as well.

I agree with both, repot and bury them just below the leaves also. Maybe with some drier soil.

there's no need to limit their light, if it's good direct sunlight from the window that should be fine just leave them there all day, but if not then one 20 watt cfl should be enough since it's only two plants. keep the light as close as possible to the plants so they don't reach more (two inches is good, it won't give off a lot of heat, even after being on for hours you can grab right onto the bulb) but definately fill the cups up around the stems and poke the holes like others are saying. you'll have nice bushy plants in no time :)
The weather in Memphis should be ok, right? I'm experimenting with outdoors germination.
As of now the outdoor ones are doing great! they're in a somewhat shady place with some wind, and they do get direct sunlight for several hours each day.
Ol' school germination is cheaper, too! :D
seeing those pics I am now waiting for the "what did I do wrong" posts.....

don't get me wrong this stage of growth is very delicate so this is what I do to get a good plant growing.

first I buy some soiless mix like promix or sunshine number 6 as it is a very fine mix that works well with stsrting seeds.
then I get a good plug tray that holds 72 or 96 plugs and fill it with my fine soil.
I wet it down till it drips with water out the bottom of each plug or cell.
then I label 2 rows with whatever I am planing on growing in them.
I then insert 1 seed per plug and remember to keep everything labeled.

now I swear by this and I do well so maybe do the same ....
GET A Heated seed table from a place like walmart or whatever as they are the best.
drop in your plug tray and wait 3 to 5 days for your perfect start to your best crop ever.
I cover at night and uncover in the day so the wet soil does not start to grow fuzz.
you will see your seeds popping up in a few days and at this time you want to see that you keep them wet but also dry off the growing media as too wet growing media will result in damping off wheere the bottom of the stem gets thin and the seedling falls over and dies.
chamomile tea will help here but letting the media dry out is what huge greenhouses do .
lots of natural light or floresent' led' or whatever is bright will work .
just a side note here ... my second set of leaves start when my seedlings are no more that an inch tall.
What I am doing now is putting them in the window in the morning and then on top of my water heater at night, I dont have any lights. The soil is stil slightly damp this morning so I didnt water them.
Necrocannibal said:
What I am doing now is putting them in the window in the morning and then on top of my water heater at night, I dont have any lights. The soil is stil slightly damp this morning so I didnt water them.

I've never used lights and I live in England but I've got a greenhouse full of chillis.
hixs said:
More light ,,,less water and they`ll be happy.I did the same with my 1st group of habs this yr.Happy as they can be now.

mypics http://www.flikr.com/photos/hixs0311/

this topic of watering is more of a growing medium issue than anything, take a good brand name grow mix and you will see that it dosen't hold all that much water.
regular topsoil will hold alot of water and this is not good when starting seeds so that is why it is posted to not overwater .

light sources of any kind are not needed untill the seeds sprout then it is important to supply them with enough light so they get what they need and don't get leggy looking for light .
I agree...Get them to the light and be careful with over-watering, peppers hate wet feet and it can cause all sorts of problem form damping off (death) to the leaves turning pimply (Edema).
Also don't just go by the top layer of soil, often it seems dry but isn't deeper down. In the beginning I over-watered a lot because of this.