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My Two Nagas

I'm a noob at this stuff (first year growing), but it does seem like your indoor plant isn't getting enough light. I had a number of plants go all tall and leggy this year when they were under the floro's. You could also hit it with the breeze from a fan to help with thickening the stalk up. You should harden it off as well as provide it a bit of support if you are planning on putting it outdoors. The only real thing I would worry about is if it gets hit with more wind than it can handle (hence the suggestion for support)
smariotti said:
Here we are almost two months later and both Nagas are still growing well, albeit completely differently. The inside naga is long and stalky and very tall and bright green, the outdoor naga is short and bushy and dark green.

The indoor Naga wasn't getting enough light for a while, which is why I think it got so tall.

You're right, lack of light makes a plant stretch upwards in search of better rays.

smariotti said:
Is it possible to harden off a plant that's 30" tall? Will it be crushed under its own weight if I move it outdoors?

Sure you can harden it off, just be sure and do it gradually. You might even consider pruning it to promote bushier growth.

smariotti said:
And what if I move the outdoor plant INDOORS for a while? Think it'll be OK (provided I have adequate light now, which I do?)

If you have a good light source it should be fine, but I don't know why you would want to do this now since the sun is an unbeatable light source. Just be sure and check often for aphids and mites.
Moving the light closer would also help prevent legginess and an oscillating fan or bumping it every so often would help
How bright is the light. Unless your running at least a 400 watt MH or HPS bulb I think it would do better outside anyway.
LGHT said:
How bright is the light. Unless your running at least a 400 watt MH or HPS bulb I think it would do better outside anyway.

I have about 250 watts (normalized for incandescent, though it's two fluorescents and an incandescent) on it. One of them is a 27 watt CFL (175 incandescent watts).

It probably WOULD do much better outside, but I'd miss doting over it and spraying it when I'm solving problems at work. I haven't moved either since I just noticed flowers coming out of the nodes on the indoor one and am hoping it won't get much bigger before it bears fruit.
Ok, here's another update about 3 1/2 months after I started the thread:

Both plants got taken home and put in the garden since both were dropping flowers after pollination.

The outdoor plant flowered first but none of the fruit would set. The indoor plant got really big and had lots of flowers but all would drop too after hand-pollinating it.

I decided to bring the outdoor plant home first. I put it in the garden and about a week later fruit started to grow. Whether it was the half-sun of being next to the outside door of the building or its being near the parking lot or something else, it just didn't seem happy enough to reproduce out there.

I brought the indoor plant home later. I didn't harden it off so when i put it in the garden, the leaves all took on a "scorched" appearance and fell off. Only the new leaves at the tips of the plant stayed on and continued to grow. The plant itself seems to be fine and I anticipate more new leaves sprouting at all the nodes soon. If I'd been a better grower, I'd have hardened it off over a week first and then planted it. As it was I was eager to just get it in the ground.

The first Naga Morich I took home, the one that was grown outdoors at work is bearing a dozen or two fruit all over the plant, and some of them are even starting to ripen. I thought I'd share some pictures of my first fruit from my first plant of my first growing season with Naga Morich:



The second one looks pretty nice, and I can't wait for it to get ripe. It's like Christmas is coming early. I check them every morning. ;-)
Congrats. I'm sure they are much happier in the garden and you should have a ton of fruit in no time. My plants are about the same age and have hundreds of flowers and fruit, but only a few ripe pods yet.

I picked my first ripe Aji Angelo yesterday and was amazed at how good it was right off the plant.

*AJI ANGELO; a lovely and productive Aji, very sweet with medium heat. Pods to 4" and one of the earliest producers of the C. baccatum var pendelum species.