food My version of SalsaLady's All-American Melting-Pot Meal

Wanted to share my take on SalsaLady's entry into the Chopped TD. I wasn't here in time to submit my own entry, but I would not have qualified unless cooking just for myself as hubby's allergic to apples, and does not tolerate heat the way I do anyway. He can barely tolerate poblanos--I add serranos and habaneros to most everything I eat. Though I'm not sure I'm ready to try the T-Scorps or ghost peppers just yet.

Since I'm too late to enter, I wouldn't be able to use the required ingredients, and since it would still seem like plagiarizing SL's dish, I've gone ahead and made a few more substitutions based on what I had on hand. The results were delicious nonetheless, and would encourage everyone to try it as well.

Anyway here are some pics of the process along with my approach:

I made some medallions out of assorted boneless porkchops. I discovered too late that I haven't replaced my meat tenderizer after the Great Nashville Flood of 2010, so I improvised with a potato ricer to flatten them out a bit.

Nectarine, plum, and mango along with teriyaki sauce to make a sauce which substituted for apples,

As long as I'm making substitutions, added this to my fruit sauce in lieu of bourbon which I didn't happen to have on hand.

And then took the diced fruit and sauce (and the other sauce) :P and simmered it down...

until I ended up with a beautiful reduction!

Meanwhile... I liked SL's own professed mistake and breaded the medallions with AP flour and cayenne (the only actual heat I added to the dish.) and pan fried it in sesame oil so that I ended up with this:

As long as I've got the frying pan out, let's make another substitution for SL's spaghetti and sear some fresh udon noodles...

Since I couldn't add any scotch bonnets to the mix for my hubby's sake, I used some mini sweet peppers instead to at least make it look hot.

The peanut sauce for the noodles didn't turn out as well as I hoped. Using natural peanut butter, honey, and dijon mustard seemed like it would work but it dried out instead of becoming smooth and creamy... added a little bit of my fruit sauce to it just to keep enough moisture to work into the noodles. I then added the peppers, a couple heaping teaspoons of minced garlic (hubby loves it) some sliced mushrooms, then the pork and the sauce I made one final substitution from SL's dish... I toasted the sesame seeds :party:

To compensate for being extremely mild, I wanted to top mine with sriracha, but discovered I was out... Oh well... My old standby habanero sauce will have to do instead...

Again, it tasted wonderful and I thank SalsaLady greatly for her contribution! :onfire:
I had a plan for shishkabobs...

I might do something like this (thread) to show it off, even though its too late to enter it.

I spent a fair amount of time thinking about it xD Now I want to try it.

yours looks pretty good too by the way
Looks really good!!
You’ll get em next time.

You need to work on your hubster and show him the light. Start small and work your way up the ladder.
I'm humbled for you to use that dish as an inspiration! I cook just like you did, wing it, change it, substitute...Yours looks and sounds grest!

Throwdowns happen on the first weekend of every month. The subject changes each month. Here's the thread discussing what's goin' down in August.

You should enter! And lots of times I make 2 separate dishes (one with chiles, and one without) or take out some for the family, and spice up the rest. It's the way it rolls in a lot of households, but that's OK.
