chinense My wife is mad at me. Ghost peppers were involved.

SmokenFire said:
About 2 or 3 years ago I bought separate cutting boards/knives and grill grates.  Since then no problems.  :)
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 
I trust you keep them in a lock box with only one key...the one in your pocket!
Ghaleon said:
At least you didn't forget about chopping peppers and give her some finger action a few hours later. THAT pisses 'em off! Lol
True story.
Had 1 pair of nitrile gloves on. Chopping scorpions and reapers for pickled eggs.  Somehow it leaked thru got on my fingers. Didn't matter that I had washed my hands. Had no Idea.
 It came on slow and built. She was like "what's that? Oh no. OMG! That's hot. Ow! WTF!" She ran off to the bathroom. Felt so bad for her. Spent an hour in a cold bath soaking.
 I use a pair of dishwashing gloves when chopping chili's now.
You feel bad but it's still tough not to laugh. I know how it is. I was wrong to think it would SURELY wear off of my hands after almost 24 hours.

The funny thing is since, like you said, it builds... you find yourself trying to finish before it gets unbearable. Lol
Ghaleon said:
You feel bad but it's still tough not to laugh. I know how it is. I was wrong to think it would SURELY wear off of my hands after almost 24 hours.

The funny thing is since, like you said, it builds... you find yourself trying to finish before it gets unbearable. Lol
Slapstick Comedy was based on this sort of yeh, it's hard not to laugh when it happens to others...but I feel for the poor pun intended....
sorry,still LMAO...