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My Wiri Wiri is Weary

Kevin kindly sent me some Wiri Wiri seeds earlier this year. I started them on damp paper in plastic, and they popped after 4 or 5 days. Off to a good start! I transferred them into small pots and they poked through the soil surface after a few days and developed healthy cotyledons. And then they went on strike! Meanwhile, some Bhuts that were started later than the Wiris developed their first couple of sets of true leaves. And about 4 weeks later, the one remaining seedling (a chipmunk went digging in the other pot) is still sitting there with absolutely no sign of true leaves developing. I have limited experience with exotic chiles, although I'm doing well with Scorpions, Seven Pots, etc., so could someone tell me if this is a trait common to Wiris, or do other varieties do this? And, is there anything that can be done to solve this problem.
Thanks, Tom
the 2 I had germinated stunted as well soon after I moved them to soil - I sent Kevin a nice package and never received anything in return another member gave me a few seeds to try
the 2 I had germinated stunted as well soon after I moved them to soil - I sent Kevin a nice package and never received anything in return another member gave me a few seeds to try
What is Kevins username..I dont want anyone to associate me!

Good luck with the Wiri Wiri Ken, I have never grown those so I'm not sure why they would be stunted!
What kind of fertilizer are you useing.

i don't have wiri wiri but i did plant some pequin. the plants vary in age from 1 month to 2 weeks(since sprouting). they are all consistantly small in stature. i haven't notice a stall in growth but am anticipating it to happen. everytime i think i know what i am doing, bam! i find i don't know a thing about growing. i just watered these guys, ordinary water, no ferts, though i have given them some alfalfa water. they sit on a south facing window sill but i think i am going to cover them with a plastic dome to increase humidity and heat levels. i did the same with a fatalii and it took off with tons of new growth.

but what i have noticed, when i experience stunted growth, it usually points to the rooting system and the roots either have no new growth so perhaps the soil is caked so hard that microbes aren't doing their job to break down nutrients necessary to feed the plant. i had problems with scotch bonnets and stunted growth, so i moved 1 from soil into my dwc and after the move, the dwc grew rapidly(literally 5 times larger that the soil plants).

good luck.

here is a picture of the pequins.

"Good luck with the Wiri Wiri Ken, I have never grown those so I'm not sure why they would be stunted!
What kind of fertilizer are you useing."

I'm using fish emulsion. The Wiri Wiri is the only one of about 20 varieties that won't grow past the seed leaf stage.
What is Kevins username..I dont want anyone to associate me!

Good luck with the Wiri Wiri Ken, I have never grown those so I'm not sure why they would be stunted!
What kind of fertilizer are you useing.

Sorry wayright I could see how things can be misleading. Let me just say to everyone reading this it WAS NOT Wayright it was DoubleBlown from this thread Wiri Wiri seed trade

I didnt know you had these seeds otherwise I may have asked you ;)

My apologies
I realize this post is nearly a year old but I would like to have this settled. I also received seeds from Kevin (Doubleblown) last year and grew one plant. It developed nicely until it got to blossom stage when it produced some odd looking structures. I came across a post on another pepper forum from someone that had also received seeds from Doubleblown. Below is a picture of what that member's plants looked like:


I have a feeling that these seeds are not Capsicum and are probably another genus altogether. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
That's weird and unfortunate. Looking at the thread I agree it seems like some mite damage, but the plant itself looks off...

I'm growing Wiri Wiri this year from a non-isolated pod, so far it at least looks like a capsicum...


I'll try to save some seeds if they turn out true, I know they can be a pain to find.
I realize this post is nearly a year old but I would like to have this settled. I also received seeds from Kevin (Doubleblown) last year and grew one plant. It developed nicely until it got to blossom stage when it produced some odd looking structures. I came across a post on another pepper forum from someone that had also received seeds from Doubleblown. Below is a picture of what that member's plants looked like:


I have a feeling that these seeds are not Capsicum and are probably another genus altogether. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Thats deffinatly some kind of bug problem. I had aphids attacking my plants (not wiri wiri)a while ago and they looked just like that. Bought some lady bugs and that fixed everything.
Kevin, its a real suss name is Kevin. :D

Could it be that,,,Kevin the dogy seed seller or another Kevin (totally legit type of Kevin) ?

Gotta watch these Kevin fellas,

I have my doubts that this is a mite or other insect issue since the two Wiri Wiri plants are the ONLY two plants that are showing signs of this odd growth habit.
I have my doubts that this is a mite or other insect issue since the two Wiri Wiri plants are the ONLY two plants that are showing signs of this odd growth habit.

Check the bottoms of the leaves for bigs or bites. The bug might of not gone to your other peppers yets. Thats how it happended with mine. Took out my savinas first then started to spread to some of the others. Never even touched the peach hab

But it deffinatly looks like an infestation to me.

How does the earlier growth look?
Looks a little like mites.

I have a few seedsling stop growing every year. No ryhme or reason. This year I'm sure it was the freaking fungus gnat larvae.
Well, I Doktor Doomed the hell out of them the other night so we'll see if that does the trick. Just kind of strange that this condition has only affected the Wiri Wiri that I received from this fella Doubleblown.
I have kept my two Wiri Wiri plants alive through the winter. One is about 12 inches tall and the other about 6 inches tall. They are now outdoors, so I'll soon see if they do better this year. (I started this topic last May.) Seems like we're all having problems getting them to grow.

I am bringing this one back from the dead... 4 years later...  
When I look at the photo that RedtailForester posted above, I see the same thing happening to my Wiri Wiri that I have started.  I posted photos in my glog but here they are again:
Here is a standard pic of all three plants:

So, we are seeing leaf curl and some leaf discoloration.  Here is a birds eye view of the three of them:

The leaf shapes are odd as well.  Here is one where I tried to get in real close.  I unfortunately do not have Meteora's photography talent so please bear with me...

Any thoughts?  Anyone have experience with growing Wiri Wiri?
Thanks much in advance!