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MYCO HELP endo&ecto microrrhizae

Can you point me in the right direction to get more of this stuff ? or similar ?Got some sprouts I really want to try this stuff on them but the package states (soil drench) to repeat 3/4 times during the growing season so I will need 3 more of each? Oh btw I went to the SupremeGrowers web site but the have 5oz of just the myco blast and not the soil blast? And and also a 3pack but just looking for the two a btw whats the difference one better than the other? possibly the same?
Great white mycorrhizae is hands down the best that I have used.I have tried quite a few.If you are on a budget try kelpforless.com.They have an excellent myco product as well.
bhut camp said:
Great white mycorrhizae is hands down the best that I have used.I have tried quite a few.If you are on a budget try kelpforless.com.They have an excellent myco product as well.
Works great!  I like too use advanced nutrients mycos line with azos powder.  Used both in my tea brew this year with great white and grew over 200 pounds of tomatoes and had a great pepper season here in Colorado.  
Got this($2.25ea) from the local hydro store the package says to add 1-2 Tbl spoon at transplant and to assure direct contact with the roots? I was kinda looking for a water soluble but I'll use what I got as far as the supreme growers water soluble go's then use this stuff ...looking forward to some monster plants!!!! THANKS FOR THE INFO FELLA'S
Ok Pepper Joe sells this but Supreme growers sells 4 stick packs this includes myco tea and kelp blast $12 those packs in your picture are old with all myco products you want to use within 12 months

Smitty said:
Can you point me in the right direction to get more of this stuff ? or similar ?Got some sprouts I really want to try this stuff on them but the package states (soil drench) to repeat 3/4 times during the growing season so I will need 3 more of each? Oh btw I went to the SupremeGrowers web site but the have 5oz of just the myco blast and not the soil blast? And and also a 3pack but just looking for the two a btw whats the difference one better than the other? possibly the same?
Buy the 4 pack here:
Sweet Myco Tea
"Grow the perfect garden with Supreme Growers Sweet Myco Tea. The unique molasses-based compost tea alternative breaks down natural debris into usable soil nutrients. Sweet Myco Tea is a no-mess, ready-to-use natural soil enhancer. Supreme Growers is dedicated to the ethical development of natural resources by providing quality products for a better, cleaner more sustainable garden."
"Why not spray them with seaweed/kelp extract? Those who have read my previous articles or attended my workshops have heard me speak of the benefits of foliar feeding liquid seaweed/kelp extract. By spraying the foliage with liquid seaweed extract, also known as liquid kelp extract, you are introducing substances into the plant that will make it stronger, healthier and increase it's resistance to sap sucking pests and diseases.
Although it isn't known yet why kelp products give some kind of biological control over many plant diseases, busy researchers will soon tell us why. I know that my plants when foliar fed with liquid kelp extract develop a resistance to many diseases and pests. They become much stronger. When I apply it as a foliar feed I also reduce the incidence of aphid damage, mildew and fungus. This can be important for rose growers."
When liquid kelp extract is sprayed on the plant the minerals and nutrients are absorbed by the leaves and go into the sap of the plant. From a quantity of product standpoint, this seems to be more cost effective than putting lots of composted or granular kelp into the soil, because you use much less product when spraying. However, I am not saying that the plants don't need nourishment at the root zone and I also include kelp meal as an amendment when re-building my soil. I just can't afford to apply it in large quantities as a farmer near the sea might.
It is known that soils high in organic materials are home to soil fungii and bacteria (microbes) that are known to produce natural antibiotics. These natural antibiotics hold down the population of plant pathogens (the bad guys). When these antibiotics are produced in sufficient quantities, from a soil rich in organics, they enter the plant through the roots and help it resist disease. Researchers think that composted kelp added to the organics in the soil could substantially increase this process of making natural antibiotics."
So with these being old ?and have already mixed into some soil is my soil bad now? Or is the oldstuff go dormant and need to add more (new stuff)?
TylerInNiagara said:
I have also heard good things about Great White, Micorrhizal applications inc and azos.
you know more than I do about the supreme growers but with this water soluble that I have after making about how long would you say it would last?
Smitty said:
So with these being old ?and have already mixed into some soil is my soil bad now? Or is the oldstuff go dormant and need to add more (new stuff)?
you know more than I do about the supreme growers but with this water soluble that I have after making about how long would you say it would last?
Your soil is fine it just means that myco products that have been sitting on the shelf may be less effective less living microbes. I tend to pour what I need mix it right away either shake or use an aquarium bubbler to keep your microbes alive and apply right away I can always make more.
ow To Make Compost Tea The Easy Way
How to Brew Compost Tea in a 5 Gallon Bucket to Enrich Your Garden
"We prefer to use distilled water in our brews, but when you are first learning how to make compost tea, just use tap water. Tap water is usually loaded with chlorine, which will kill some of your microbes, so we need to dechlorinate the water. This is quite simple. Just add the water to your 5-gallon brewer, and use the aerator to bubble water through it for a minimum of 20 minutes. This will cause the chlorine to be released as a gas."

"How hardy are mycorrhizae? Shelf life of our standard products are 2 years with a 10% decrease in viability in year 3. "
I can't find the tweet but someone said best before 12 months....but you see similar things being said about seeds and really old seeds still produce.

Put a Party in Your Soil using Sweet Myco Tea

Sweet Myco Tea Instant Compost Tea Supreme Growers
