seed-plant-vendors Mycorrhizae in Canada

Where can I get some of  THIS type of 'shrooms in Canada?
I know there are restrictions regarding cross-border shipments, but the one vendor I found that seemingly allowed it doesn't respond to emails or voicemails.
Thanks for any help in advance will ship up here. 1oz of straight Endo is 4.95 + shipping. (Only takes a fragment of a gram to inoculate each young plant/seed.)
Can also order branded stuff from eBay or Amazon on the cheap. Most branded Myco all comes from the same place and you pay for the label. See thread on grasscity in the organic section for details.
There are no restrictions on spores up here, illicit or otherwise.
premiere tech(plant prod) manufactures here in canada, look up their Myke product. i have used it.
the myke website allows you to select "where to buy" and you can enter a city closest to you or one you may frequent. of course that doesn't mean the retailers that are return will have inventory.
good luck
Burning Colon said:
premiere tech(plant prod) manufactures here in canada, look up their Myke product. i have used it.
the myke website allows you to select "where to buy" and you can enter a city closest to you or one you may frequent. of course that doesn't mean the retailers that are return will have inventory.
good luck
I tried that route... 2 suppliers in my area listed, but 1 no longer exists and the other no longer carries it.
I tried amazon, but it seemed that whatever I found wouldn't ship to Canada.  On eBay, there were so many options and varying descriptions that I was getting confused as to what I wanted or needed.
I placed an order with and I'll start with that.. hopefully I get it before its time to move my plants outside! LOL
Update:  Thanks to all that advised.
I ended up buying some Great White off eBay and made a purchase from fungi perfecti.
I have used the great white already and in just a coupl of days, there is already a noticeable difference on the treated germinated seeds... the tap root is covered in fuzz, while the control seeds (same species) are smooth.
Thanks for the help