• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

Mystery hab?

Got a mystery plant I need help identifying. I got one plant labeled as a neon-yellow hab but is obviously different from all others and ripens orange. I'm nearly positive the problem originated at the seed company, but am hesitant to lay blame till I know for sure. One of my favourite looking plants so far and lots of fruits.

I find many pods look like a vulture's face
the chileman's golden hab looks quite similar, I'll have to wait for some larger peppers to ripen for better comparison.

Here's the neon yellow hab that it should have been if it were labelled properly. Finally happy with a Reimer's mistake
Its definitely not either Golden Hab, not even sure if it is a hab. It ripens dark orange and has 6 petals.

I just cut one of these open and no seeds? Only slightly hot, no wait a minute... well its got a bite but I can probably eat the whole pod These little guys are first to ripen but not nearly as cool looking as the bigger ones
Ya, same plant as first posted. No seed in two pods. Next ones I'll let ripen a little longer but I fear it may be a sterile hybrid of some sort. It does taste fruity like a hab but no blistering heat(no seeds or plecental tissue). I'm a beginner when it comes to flower id, do many plants have 6 petals. I'll have to check all my other plants as I am becoming more interested. Its nice to see all the flower pics on Petersons and Chilemans site.
I won't put any bets on them being sterile or lacking heat. I have a "super chile" (it was a quick replacement for a plant that I lost this spring) that is doing the same thing. The first few pods were small and lacked the plecental tissue and seeds. However the larger pods seem to be fine. Maybe it's a Fatalii / Habanero cross. "Potawie Fatalinero"
Potawie Fatalinero. lol.

So far all of my plant id has been faulty because except for chileman and Petersson, there really isn't a reliable source to go to. It's not like anyone really cared about chilis this much as many as 10 years ago. This field, I believe is very very young. And believe it or not, we're all on the leading edge.

Maybe it's one of the new heatless habaneros that everyone on this board has been cursing... If it is, I'd love to taste it...

I like the idea of early underdeveloped pods though. Especially because the fifth and sixth petals appear deformed. Are all of the flowers looking like that or was it just the early ones???

Some new developments. Pods are ripening to a nice red (see little red hiding near centre. Most of the cool, wrinkled peppers seem to be located higher on the plant. Also, I've noticed some flowers with five petals but most with six and none look mutated or weird. Very few flowers at the moment to photograph.

Potawie's Red Vulture Pepper
Hi Potawie,

When I saw your images it thought of a variety called Ivorian Pimente (Ricardino from the Virtual Pepper forum is grows it) Its definitely not a Habanero Cappucino or a Golden Habanero.


Tina is absolutely right on the problems with pepper identification, the field is still relatively young and very fragmented (hence the original idea to put together a centralised database with the help of my pod pals around the world). The sheer diversity of pods is over welming and there is often much pod diversity even on the same plant never mind from with in the same species!!

Mat & I are trying to make a move in the right direction and with the help of everyone around the world. Sometimes I wonder what Im doing as I have little free time to devote to the chileman site these days (it’s a hobby not a business). Anyway Im sure we will both plough on regardless and as despite the effort I do enjoy it.

If anyone has any images/info on peppers which aren’t in the database, I more than happy to accept ‘donations’ for the benefit of all chile lovers.

Hope all you guys are well
