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Mystery pepper

I was given a plant tonight..at first through it was a thai chilie...I have the plant in my possession...the peppers are too small to be that...they grow upwards any ideas?Id post a pic but my camera is dead...ill recharge it if needed
from looking on google I believe its a piky nu baby medusa head thai chile pepper...I keep forgetting to plug my camera in to recharge.Eventually I will so I can post a pic and someone can tell me im wrong and tell me what it is lol
Canuk Pepperhead said:
from looking on google I believe its a piky nu baby medusa head thai chile pepper...I keep forgetting to plug my camera in to recharge.Eventually I will so I can post a pic and someone can tell me im wrong and tell me what it is lol

Should we nag you about your camera?

I mean, now that you've teased and taunted us about this mystery pepper and all.
I have a delicious Vietnamese pepper that points up, starts light green and ripens to red. It was by far my shortest and widest plant. It spread out like a shag carpet.
im far from right when I made that guess but now someone can tell me what this plant is..sorry for the delay had to get new batterys
What does the flower look like? Is it all white? Are the stamens dark or yellow or what? Are there more than one flower/pepper at any of the nodes?

How hot is it?

It does look like some kind of Thai pepper.
the flower is all white the center is green and ita like a little bomb going off in your mouth...its pretty hot for a pepper the size of a dime or smaller
Can I have my 2 cents back :lol:
I've got two others that are very similar, but not the same. Are you getting a good steady supply of fresh pods from it?
hehe...gotta love the asian peppers. They dry & powder really well. Are they thick walled pods or thin?

I'll send you seed for the other two with your package. Maybe you can start telling them apart from each other.