• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


I bought some seeds that were supposed to be Caribbean Red Habanero. They sprouted directly in an outdoor container in less than a week, and grew nicely. But then when I saw the first podling I said, "What the heck?"

I began taking pictures, so I may as well continue thru harvest.



Same pod a couple weeks later.
Second plant.

The heat got this one :(

I'm not really sure what this is, except it appears to have some interesting elements to it. I have four plants loaded with buds, so will post more when appropriate.
When pods drop like that is that because of excessive heat? I noticed about 3-4 dropped pods on a large plant that only has a 2.5 gallon pot that had slight signs of wilting. I moved it to the shade and it dropped 1 the next day. Not sure if it's normal, but this specific plant seems to have had green pods on it for almost 2 months with no sign of them turning red at all where other varieties of pepper seem to pod and turn red in 4 weeks or less.
Other than the weird pod shape and the rough exterior, it looks like a Carribean Red...

Probably crossed with it's neighbor, ask whoever you got the seeds from what it could have been growing next to.

My 1st pod from 1st plant dropped. 2nd pod from this plant to do so. I had no choice but to eat it. It tasted very green still, but there was about as much heat as my fully ripe thai dragons.


3rd plant has been developing an attractive 1st pod.


I lost a lot of flowers during the last heat wave, but temps have cooled down - and a new wave of buds are beginning to open.

I will post more pics when I see something interesting.

Mystery Plant #3 has recovered nicely from the heat wave, and many flowers have set fruit.

Although all four plants came from the same packet of seeds, the pods on plant #3 look somewhat different from those of plant #1 at the beginning of this thread, even tho there are characteristics that remain constant, i.e. the lime coloring and some sort of "headgear."




Another heat wave is on the way, supposedly including Santana winds, so I brought several plants indoors where they can get air conditioned. After all this time and trouble, I don't want my best plants loosing any more flowers so late in the season.
What type of temperatures exactly are we talking about with this heat wave? Got me worried because its very hot here and my first plant is blossoming.
Last heat wave was 38c+ in the shade according my both my outdoor thermometers. This one predicted about the same. Blossoms have problems above 34c, but direct sun here can get up to 50c+.
Santana Winds get pretty wild here.


"Santa Ana winds may blow at sustained speeds of 40 mph (65 km/h) with gusts of 70 mph (112 km/h) and at times reaching 115 mph (185 km/h)."

"Air temperatures under Santa Ana wind events can rise over 100 oF (37.8 oC). Historical reports from the Santa Barbara region indicate a temperature of 133 oF (56 oC), was unofficially measured on June 17, 1859 just offshore during a Sundowner wind event (the local name for a Santa Ana wind). However, the accuracy of the reading could not be verified, and the official high for the region is 109 oF (43 oC). In September 1979, temperatures at San Juan Capistrano topped 100 oF (37.8 oC) for 10 consecutive days during a mild Santa Ana wind event."
Plant 2 has finally ripened a pod. Rather then wait to see if it would go darker, having babied this unknown for 5 months I was anxious to try it out.

It's noticeably hotter than an Orange Habanero, but I certainly wouldn't say twice as hot. I routinely eat a tablespoon of Orange Hab puree in 1/4 cup of salsa and barely wipe my brow. A 1/8 piece cut long of this in my mouth made my hair wet, so something was going on that was a stronger than a Hab. Or maybe just different.

The flavour was not nearly as intense as a Hab, but the fruitiness was much more appealing to me, so should do very well in sauces.




The big pod on plant 3 is beginning to ripen, and the pods on that plant are shaped significantly different than these, even tho all 4 plants came from the same pack of seeds.

I will post and comment once I try that one.
What ever it is I think it's a good looking pepper, inside and out. Would you like to do some seed swappin' SanSoo?
patrick said:
What ever it is I think it's a good looking pepper, inside and out. Would you like to do some seed swappin' SanSoo?

PM me your address and I will send some seeds from all 3 ripening pods. No guarantee how true they will be tho.

Do you like Plant #2 (latest pics) or Plant #3?
