seeds-germination Mystery seed from Peppermania, ID?

I got some seeds from peppermania at least 4 years ago and Beth included a pack of mixed mystery seed.Well this year I picked out a single seed and it grew like crazy,,and it's driving me crazy not to know every pepper in my garden! :) Well it's finally ripening ,So I figured I'd see if you guys have any guesses,I dont have a clue what it is..My only guess is some sort of pimento,but I havent tasted it yet..
Flower first,looks like an annuum,I could be wrong.

Whole plant next, it grew like crazy and the limbs dont seem very strong they just fall over like rubber.

The pods are bulky and they start off green then turn brown and finally red.


I dont know what it is, but I will eat the hell out of them if they are tasty!! :cool:
I also have some of Beth's mystery peppers of which I will be posting pictures later. Isn't that something GREAT to get s little treat? My first thought is- Peter Pepper.... but I am NOT a pepper growing expert and the only reason I posted is because it has white flowers and has the same leaf shape as the Peter Peppers that I got from Beth.


Hope others chime in with their opinions~~~
Thanks SL, It is great to get some mystery seeds.:)..But I got these at least 4 years,I dont think peter peppers were discovered yet??At least not for sale yet?.and maybe yall cant tell by the pics,they are very square and blocky.

I looked up her catalog from 2006 and the only thing she had listed then that turned green - brown - red was Chilcostle here is the description

CHILCOSTLE: Medium heat. Thin fleshed pods 5_6" long by 1_1/2" wide. Ripens green_brown_red. Used for mole and dark sauces, dries well for
ristras; just one of the wonderful Oaxacan pods! Mexico

Don't know if that is it or not, but it might help. I'm still trying to identify some of the mystery seeds I'm growing from her too. The nice thing is I have found some real surprise winners from those seeds, so it makes taking the chance growing them well worth it.
I'm guessing that if they are being sold in a mystery pack, there's probably a good chance that its something not in her catalogue. Probably seeds she got mixed up, were not isolated, or mystery hybrids that Beth hasn't even grown. I just can't see her taking already isolated and sorted seeds and mixing them up for free packs
Here is a copy and paste of what Beth posted about her mystery seeds on her blog

The seeds attached to my business card could be just about anything I offer, past or present, Capsicum, of course. I started doing it years ago as a little promo thing to remind folks of my Peppermania for their chile seeds and other chile pepper-phenalia. It seems to get folks' attention as I get lots of inquiries about them. The black seeds are Manzano C pubescens, the rest are collected from pods I forget the ID - got mixed up, I get tired of sorting, get Hunan Hand, have excess quantity or seeds that flick on the table, the mix is ever changing. I don't cull them like the seeds I offer on my site. Many folks grow them, find new favorites and send photos for ID.

So from the sounds of it there are a lot of good seeds in those packs.
I ordered seeds last year and grew a dark black seed after a few plants died just for the heck of it. Only got a few pods before it got too cold, but the plant seemed to be hairy and grew a large weird orangish block shaped fruit that had medium heat. Still don't know what it is, but once I get some fruit this year I'll post picks to try and identify it.
That pepper looks like a poblano, have some they look the same. Could be wrong. Hey Kevin justed picked some of my Cascabella peppers bit in to one, hotter that my jalapeño. yum good
Could be poblano,Are yours that blocky?,I was thinking mebbe Chimayo??
and yes, those Cascabellas are warm! :)
My wife bit one 'cause I told her it was "warm",,she wasnt happy and will never try any of my stuff again! :rofl:
I ordered seeds last year and grew a dark black seed after a few plants died just for the heck of it. Only got a few pods before it got too cold, but the plant seemed to be hairy and grew a large weird orangish block shaped fruit that had medium heat. Still don't know what it is, but once I get some fruit this year I'll post picks to try and identify it.
Definitely sounds like you grew one of her Mazano - C. pubescens.