• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
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seeds Mystery seeds.

LGHT, if you have room to grow more plants, why not try them. It is kinda fun watching them grow wondering what they are. BigT makes a good point. You may end up finding you like a pepper you never knew existed. In regards to the peat question. There seems to be a variety of opinions about using peat to start or grow chili plants. I've used several different growing media in my short career as a chili farmer, and I don't see much difference. But if someone wisely recommends not using it with their seeds, I might give them the benefit of the doubt and listen to them. Good luck and start a thread with your mystery seeds. Maybe some of us will be able to help you figure out what they are.
PPP, the consensus seems to be that the plant in question is a Hungarian Hot Wax. As I look at it today, it seems to have all of the characteristics of one of my Cayenne plants, even though it is a couple of inches taller. Who knows? I'll keep everyone updated as it continues to grow.

Long Red Slim Cayenne


Big Mystery Plant

I think the fastest growing plant of this bunch is a Cayenne. I didn't take any pictures of it as it had a little "accident" and became a 6 inch bush as a result.

Three of the more normal plants are looking like Hot Wax plants, all having peppers like these...



Another of the normal growers exploded in size when put in the window. It is just starting to develop pods...


Anaheim, Serrano or Jalapeno M?