• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

N. ventricosa rediscovered

Not that it was ever lost in the wild or cultivation, but N. ventricosa because of its common status in cultivation is oftentimes overlooked by Carnivorous Plants hobbyists.


It is a great beginner's plant, but once the next great Nepenthes species or hybrid is added to the collection, N. ventricosa can end up at the back of the shelf, seemingly forgotten, neglected and not nearly as appreciated as when it was the fresh new face in the collection.


But if seen again through fresh eyes, this species truly does produce beautiful shapely pitchers, all the way from the hour glass pinching at the waist, to the slanting arched back of the upper portion of its pitchers.


I have been taking the time to get reacquainted again with this lovely species, and have really been appreciating the splendid grace that this species offers.


Rather than having this Nepenthes species become only a distant memory in my rearview mirror, i have chosen instead to revisit this underrated species with a renewed interest and have found that this is once again one of my favorite specimens in my whole collection. :cool:

Very cool.. I wonder if you could plant something like this along side pepper plant or other plants to help cut down on bugs on the pepper plants...
I think it looks really cool. beautiful specimen! love the reds.

Thanks Omri! Yeah this species is both pretty and easy to grow.

Very cool.. I wonder if you could plant something like this along side pepper plant or other plants to help cut down on bugs on the pepper plants...

Thanks Hillbilly! These plants use nectar lures to draw insects, lizards, birds and small mammals into their pitcher traps.

But unfortunately, the same insects that would be preying on your pepper plants might also be causing these plants grief as well.

Those are beautiful pics!!
You grow some absolutely amazing plants Doug!
Thanks for sharing those!!


Thanks Kevin! I showed it some pics of yer backyard pepper jungle and it got homesick! :rofl:

That is a beauty DVG! How does one go about growing those? I know absolutely nothing about them but would like to learn more.

Thanks RTF! Nepenthes are carnivorous tropical jungle vines, that have adapted to nutrient depleted soils by making
modified leaves with pitchers to capture an alternative nitrogen/supplemental food source.

They like to grow in bright conditions and enjoy a damp airy, well draining media mix consisting of approximately a 50/50 mix of organic and mineral components. (Orchid bark or chips, sphagnum moss, pumice, perlite, lava or whatever is locally available.)
