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food Nachos - The King of Snacks

Ya know - as much as I have learned on this forum, I just don't see any entries on my favourite blistering snack. For tonight's CSI Miami season premier - platter full of quality nacho chips, liberally covered with grated cheddar. Put in a 350 degree oven for two minutes. Remove, douse with Pace hot sauce, homegrown jalepenos, Psycho Bitch Hot Sauce, and Liquid Stoopid Hot Sauce. Back in the oven for three minutes, and serve with a Bud.

Hi tech - NO. Hot and delicious - ABSOLUTELY.


P.S. - The wife needed two glasses of milk...such a girl...
haha you are right on most of that. nachos rule! the only place i can disagree is the "bud" you gotta get a good beer! :) the other problem i have with this whole thing, is that there was one member viewing, and 5 guests. sign up already you lurking arseholes!

nachos kick ass! you are right, and i'm surprised this is the first thread on them.
xgrafcorex said:
the other problem i have with this whole thing, is that there was one member viewing, and 5 guests. sign up already you lurking arseholes!

Mostly webbots and search engines, and besides I don't know if people want to join a site if they are being called names.
ahh didn't realize that about the webbots and whatnot..

heh as for the names...was all in jest. :)

what this thread needs, are some nacho pics!
another good batch tonight, but used store bought habs instead of the garden peppers, and Nuckin Futs in lieu of Liquid Stoopid....Definitely a hotter batch...
dreamtheatervt said:

Yeah well...you've seen my pulled pork pics...:(:(

To get good ones I'd have to fly Scotty or xgrafcorex up...I could cover the flight, but I certainly could not afford to feed them...:onfire::lol:
oh yea nachos are GREAT! I prefer my nachos a little different.
take almost a whole block of velveta cheese, brown 1 lbs of burger, jar of homemade salsa, & then cut up some more fresh onions/chiles/tomatoes/bells/garlic, some lime juice, add it all together & mix it up. eat the nacho cheese dip with those lime flavour chips.
I havent had this for awhile & the way I make it its a couple meals itself & thats alot of cheese to eat for 2 days :P