chinense Naga, 7 Pot, Trinidad Scorpion...What are They Good For?

I have to ask. I got into pepper-growing this summer, and I planned to grow mostly Scotch bonnets and various "seasoning" peppers. I like Scotch bonnets because they seem to vary in heat, and I can tune my food to have the right balance of heat and fruity flavor. But I ended up going nuts and growing hotter things like tepins, fatalis, PC-1s (mislabeled as naga jolokia) and Jamaican hot chocolates. And I have datil seeds on the way, and I ordered some purported naga seeds from some dude on Ebay, and I'm working on 7 Pots and Scorpions.

But what the hell are they good for? I mean, especially the nagas, 7 pots, and scorpions? Can you actually cook with these damn things, or are they only good for inducing rectal bleeding?

Naturally, I will eat them. I know how immature I am.
Well (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong...),................

The "7 Pot" is so named because one pepper can season "7 pots of food". I don't know the exact story, but the name got morphed into "7 Pod" somewhere along the way.

The Naga (and all of it's other related names) is used in Indian (the country India, not Native Americans) cooking...small slivers at a time. I personally see some really good applications with Texas Style Chili.

The Trinidad Scorpions? I couldn't tell ya. I'd just sauce 'em up and kill someone!
Devil Ducks writeup sounds good! From my own experience no pepper is to hot to be used in something. Lately I've been eating naga's with almost everymeal, cooked or fresh. Example, I used a fresh naga and a habanerro in a Subway salad yesterday for lunch, and for dinner pizza with dried naga powder. Of course I live for rectal bleeding though so my experience may be different from the norm :mouthonfire:
I went to open fields and brought home a few scorpions. Couldn't find many of them. Them and the jolokias had been picked over pretty good. I ate one of the scorpions Monday evening and that had to be the hottest thing I ever ate. I'm eating a fatelli right this moment and it's also pretty darn hot. I'm going to make some sauce with the remaining scorpions I have. I also plan on making a small amount of sauce with my jolokias. The fatellis are about to go into a batch of salsa this evening.
We are in the process of making a sauce containing the following.
Citric Acid
Orange Juice
Trinidad Scorpion
Bhut Joalika
Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Habanero
Orange Habanero
Yellow Squash Habanero
Caribbean Red Habanero
All this with no vinegar just the citric acid.

I think the T'dad Scorpion and 7 Pot are for making pepper sauce... and one pepper can be used for 7 different dishes... Thats where the name came about...
kato said:
We are in the process of making a sauce containing the following.
Citric Acid
Orange Juice
Trinidad Scorpion
Bhut Joalika
Scotch Bonnet
Yellow Habanero
Orange Habanero
Yellow Squash Habanero
Caribbean Red Habanero
All this with no vinegar just the citric acid.


You think the citric acid will be enough to keep the PH below 4?
As I understand it, you have to be below 4 in order to be acid enough
to prevent bacterial growth

Mine clocks in a 3.4. Good enough to leave it out on the table at room temp.