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naganumbness eats the red fatali

i was glad to try this one. it seems rare compared to the yellow one. it had the typical red hab, scotch bonnet flavour that a lot of red chininses do so it didn't stand out as much as the yellow. it was thicker walled , very crunchy. identical heat to the yellow with less hangtime. great pepper but i think i'll only grow the yellow next year. cappy's brainstrain and also his douglah are top priority next year along with some of judy's awsome strains i will have my hands full( my yard too). enjoy. it tasted like burning.LOL.
Way to go!!!! :woohoo:

I'm with you though - I love LOVE LOVE the yellows, not such a big fan of the reds. Got some yellow pods arriving next week - can't wait!
thanks for watching! i grew the yellow ones about 6 years ago then got preoccupied with choclate and white bullet habs , then all the nuclears started popping up from every where and fatali got pushed aside. i think it's time to put it back in the lineup!
nicely done - as always i enjoyed the review. i grew both the red and the yellow last year. this year only the yellow. next year only the yellow.
Great review Ed. Just what I wanted to know. The more I review the more I agree that most reds taste very similar within their own species as do most yellow’s. I was planning on 2 or 3 Red Fatali’s next year, but will bring it down to just one to try it first. Have to make room for the Primos Chris just handed out. Judy sent me a Butch T yesterday. I think late Saturday night after my sons birthday party the Beagle is going to find out if he is a purebred or a mutt.
oh crap! better call 911 before you try that one! on that note i've got some cool news. i've got a genetic mutation going on with my 7pods. it turns out that the pods that i thought were yellow 7s weren't. the yellow 7s just started popping up in another part of the yard. it turns out that 2 of my plants have mutated 7pods. they are huge , bumpy and lime green. i think they are going to stay that color because they've been on the plant a long time and are not changing. someone else here had the same thing a few months back but hers were round. i wil send you one to try along with the yellow 7s if i can get them to ripen before the weather goes to crap. i'd love to see you test it. they are f'n hot. half of one did me in! i'll get a video of the strange pods soon and post it. this happened to me years ago with choc habs but i'm saving these 2 plants to see what happens.
thanks jolokia jas. i'm going to try to track down dave tonight and get him to ear one first. i'm glad your on the edge of your seat , i might be on the edge of the ambulance after eating one. i'm overwintering the mutant plants so if they produce well next season i'll send you a few.
Very nice, I figured the red wouldn't be as good as the normal Fatalii, it's just one that is hard to beat. I acquired seeds for it but probably won't end up growing it since I will have limited space this next season.
thanks for watching roadhouse. i'm in the same boat. i'm only doing strains that impress me next season , along with the 20 plants i've already got. i'll overwinter them to get an early start. as far as the red fatali goes , same heat but not impressive beyond that. yellow burns longer and red tastes like a hundred other red chinenses you could name off.
oh crap! better call 911 before you try that one! on that note i've got some cool news. i've got a genetic mutation going on with my 7pods. it turns out that the pods that i thought were yellow 7s weren't. the yellow 7s just started popping up in another part of the yard. it turns out that 2 of my plants have mutated 7pods. they are huge , bumpy and lime green. i think they are going to stay that color because they've been on the plant a long time and are not changing. someone else here had the same thing a few months back but hers were round. i wil send you one to try along with the yellow 7s if i can get them to ripen before the weather goes to crap. i'd love to see you test it. they are f'n hot. half of one did me in! i'll get a video of the strange pods soon and post it. this happened to me years ago with choc habs but i'm saving these 2 plants to see what happens.

Not to set up a signature line... but 7 and Huge sound good to me. I will keep my fingers crossed that old man winter stays away... and I will keep 911 on the speed dial all weekend. I was thinking of ordering a pack of Green Habanero seeds from Sem.de. It is a Harold St. Bart cross the stays green and is supposed to taste great. The notion of a seven version is much more intriguing. Hey have you had a Naga Morich yet? My CCN Variety is finally going off and I am starting to get a few ripe ones. Ended up with about 9 pods. Let me know if you want one.
i've got 7 naga morich plants just going now. thanks michael! i'd thought all along that these chilis looked a bit wierd for yellow 7s . you know how yellow 7s fold over and pull themselves back into the pepper itself. well i got those now but small. i think i'm just gonna send you one of these and worry about yellow 7s later. if you got a package from judy , you are doing quite well. i'm sure everything is the real thing! i have something going on in my yard that causes these genetic mutations. last one was 2005 with chocolate habs. same deal , they were mishapen , lime green and would not change color. i was glad to see one other person on here that had gone through the same thing. this time i'm saving the plants. all my pepperhead friends are all scared of this because of 2005. they have all disappeared! the big drawback is the lack of seeds. they seem hollow but your an awsome pepper tester so give it a go! take care michael!
You are a machine! :) Another great review bro!

PL sent me some of these seeds with an order a while back, not sure abt growing them due to room issues.
thanks alpheon. there are so many great strains nowadays and this one just doesn't shine or stand out in any way. the yellow is so much better.
thank you as always judy. i'm so entertained by what you sent to michael i've been giggling! he took the indian carbon well. but the butch t is gonna do some damage. it's good to see someone else burining up!