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naganumbness vs judy's barrackpore 7pod

this pod and yellow 7 are currently my favorite pods. the flavour is typical red 7pod flavour but these are big crazy looking pods that smell great and pack a wallop. i guess i should have listened to nicole about the yogurt because my stomach was in serious pain a few hours after eating this pod. needles to say it was not a good night but i was glad to try this one. this will definately make the grow list for next season. enjoy! thanks judy!
Nice Ed!I have been waiting for another Barrackpore review. So many Red varieties of 7 Pod…. where do I find the room. I have to cut the 7 list down to make room for the Scorpions that I was not expecting to grow next year. This Barrackpore is on my grow list for sure along with the Primo. They just look too cool not to grow. Then I need to pick either the SR/Brianstrain or Buddy's Jonah. Any Idea which is more prolific? I really liked the looks of both. I agree all the reds taste the same just varying ratios of fruity and chemical in my opinion. My 7’s will be going straight to powder or tester boxes for next years new video review stars. The only superhots I will be eating fresh will be the Scorpions and Bhuts. (I’ll eat a few 7’s for reviews, but not for pleasure) 3 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Brown, 1 Chocolate and 1 Evergreen is what I am shooting for. Can't wait for your scorpion review to see if you like the taste as much as I did.
thanks mike! i would reccomend this one over any of the red 7s so far. i can't comment on cappys brainstrain but thanks to you and sean i should have tons of those next year. even if you don't grow it you'll get plenty from me that's for sure. i haven't tested my red 7s yet because i've got so many from judy and buddy right now and i have to get some to you , judy and sean but i'll tell you this in 18 years of growing this is the most prolific plant i've ever grown easily!!! the seeds came from refining fire chilis. jim duffy is a nice guy and he's the only one i know of that has the regular red 7pod. everyone has these round jonahey pods that they call red 7pod but this is the naga shaped 7pod that neil did last year. the amount of pods of of 1 plant is insane. i would advise yo to go to refining fire chilis .com . you won't regret it! o'h and don't eat a whole barrckpore! that's a bad idea! take care mike!
thanks nick m , thanks datil patch! thanks frank! yeah i'll be growning plenty of these next year. i think buddys red 7 is a jonah. i've had 2 of those this year and they hurt nearly as much as douglah. the barrackpore is the same just a larger pepper. it had my guts squirming.