Name That Pepper...

Pretty plants, looks like the've bee through a wash and wax.

Dog looks like he's disappointed not to be the center of attention of the photo session. :lol:
4re308 said:
Wow lovely Ajis. So you are saying they are heatless, but taste like a Hab? Very cool.

That's what they say, so I'm looking forward to giving them a try. I'm sowing 6 more now to take to the shop and grow as decorative but hoping for fruit as well...
I really like some of the seasoning peppers but so far I've been dissapointed with the Aji dulce varieties, although I haven't tried any yellow versions. Last year my aji dulce #2 was a scorcher and so was was my trinidad seasoning
Toleman said:
They been grown with just sunlight? They look apsolutly amazing.


Thanks Chris..."-) All those photos were under CFL's except the last one and that was it's first taste of real sun light. They took to natural sun like a duck to water, not requiring as much hardening off as they other peppers I'm growing. Here's an up-date, starting to grow up as well as out...


I love them when they're that age. All nice and leafy and compact and perfect - before we send them out into the cruel, cruel world. ;)