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Name that pod

So my wife's aunt came over today with a box of peppers that she got off a farmer, but couldnt remember the name of them.  At first glance I figured fatalis, but I though it may be possible that they were yellow habs....yet they dont have the signature hab taste.  What do you guys think?

Heat seems to be less than a hab, but still pretty damn hot. Yea they are way bigger than habs that ive either grown or bought.   To me habs have that unique taste which other peppers do not, and these dont taste like that.  Ive never tried a fatali so I cant compare. 
Fatalii are more enlongated, sorta like a Bhut. You will know the taste because they are supposed to be citrusy.
They do look like habs to me. Perhaps the golden hab?
Well I cooked them up....well as many of them as I could fit in the pot.  Just a simple recipe, ended up with 18 10oz bottles.  It tastes pretty good, has a nice burn, but still doesnt seem to have the hab taste, even though they do look like the golden hab pics I looked up.  Im going to let the bottles mellow for a couple weeks they give it a go and see what flavors come out of it.
could be a yellow lemon habanero, but i like rrrrrrrrrrrraullllllllllllll  lol
Heisenberg said:
Well I cooked them up....well as many of them as I could fit in the pot.  Just a simple recipe, ended up with 18 10oz bottles.  It tastes pretty good, has a nice burn, but still doesnt seem to have the hab taste, even though they do look like the golden hab pics I looked up.  Im going to let the bottles mellow for a couple weeks they give it a go and see what flavors come out of it.
sounds very good. 
what is the flavour like? is it flowery or fruity or ??????
Hate to state the obvious, but different habs have different tastes.  Fataliis are more elongated, those chiles look like habs.  Red, yellow, and the grocery-store staple orange habs taste waaaay different. 
Most people reference hab taste to grocery store orange habs.  but that is very much not the case.  It's unlikely that a farmer would be growing some obscure chile.  It's most likely to be a chile the grower could order seeds from a catalogue. 
Have fun with the mystery~  :)
i personally have not had a grocery store habanero, i have seen the orange habs there, but thats why i was asking what the flavour was like, trying to get a base flavour and heat level and go from there, they do look like the yellow lemon habanero's though