video Nectar for The Gods...Scott Ostrander...Youtube

I am not a "satisfied customer" of this company, at least, not yet!  I have nothing to sell!!  Having said that, a couple of days ago I bought a quart of this Medusas Magic at the suggestion of a grower/salesman at Applegate Soils in Medford, Ore.  Upon returning home, I emailed the company who manufactures this fert, Oregon's Only Organics, to find out how to "get the most out of it".  I got a quick reply from the company president, Scott Ostrander, the guy in the video below, who told me he just "put to rest" a 7-year old bhut jolokia that had a 9" diameter stalk.  He's also sending me some healthy samples from his product line to supplement the Medusas Magic (6-quarts, plus 2-8oz bottles) for the $17 freight charge.  Good business, I think.
The reason I'm posting this video is because of his comments on a range of subjects like bat guano, calcium, bottom watering, et al.  For sure, he is opinionated, but he doesn't come across as a dummy, either, or worse yet, a huckster salesman.  See what you think.  I enjoyed it.
I guess I will pipe in here.
I have a grow shop near me, actually a couple under the same name. I have spoken with the owner on several occasions and his girl friend who runs the other store. They have a HUGE line of fertilizers, nutrients and supplements. When I asked, TODAY as a matter of fact what seams to be the best product, I was told hands down Nectar of the gods. They sell it 9 to 1 over everything else and it is to a solid customer base. I will be using these products exclusively this year with my grow.
Interesting video, Jim.
Maybe I'm just becoming more of a cynic the older I get but does organic gardening really need to be this complex?
You would have to sell your entire canna crop just to be able to afford to buy their range of supplements ;)
KISS - keep it simple, stupid.
Just like every other nuts line, most of this is geared twords growing pot. Now we both need a number of the same nutes. But keep in mind peppers once a certain age are in a constant veg/flower state.
Interesting...he brings up a ton of stuff I've never heard before. So basically I'm more confused than before about how and what I should be feeding my plants. LOL
What i did was get the feeding schedule. And i cut the veg and bloom in half and feed once a week. All season. I use fox Farm nutes and soiI. I am changing next year. I need to pick up cal and mag. Spankscolts, Paulg is where I read every post as they grow in Oregon and not far from me. Its a lot of fun but
It can be a head ache when it comes to nutes.

ColdSmoke said:
Interesting...he brings up a ton of stuff I've never heard before. So basically I'm more confused than before about how and what I should be feeding my plants. LOL
I don't understand it all, but I do know my plants have never been this deep green, nor had such beefy stems and stalks.  They are all in flowering mode.  Also, I've never used nutes that had such a large load of phosphorus/calcium as the Nectar line.  Scott told me via email that pepper plants are "calcium hogs".  I believe him based on my plants, i.e., how they've responded to these new nutes.  It's new territory for me.  I'm glad you guys checked out the video, and commented.  Thanks. 
CAPCOM said:
I guess I will pipe in here.
I have a grow shop near me, actually a couple under the same name. I have spoken with the owner on several occasions and his girl friend who runs the other store. They have a HUGE line of fertilizers, nutrients and supplements. When I asked, TODAY as a matter of fact what seams to be the best product, I was told hands down Nectar of the gods. They sell it 9 to 1 over everything else and it is to a solid customer base. I will be using these products exclusively this year with my grow.
CAPCOM, which of the Nectar nutes are you using?  First time using them?
Medusas magic, Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Athenas Aminas, Demeters Destiny, Herculean Harvest.
Into the second week as of today.
KevinH said:
Jim what all are you using . From them. Might do a side by side
Medusa's Magic, Gaia Mania, Herculean Harvest, Zeuss Juice.  Application rates are at the website.  I used the Simple Early Veg regimen for 2 weeks, per Scott's advice, and then switched to the Simple Late Veg regimen which I am still using.  Once my plants are outdoors, and start fruiting, I'll switch to the early, or mid flowering schedule.  He also sent me some Bloom Khaos (foliar) which I won't use until plant out.

CAPCOM said:
Medusas magic, Gaia Mania, Zeus Juice, Athenas Aminas, Demeters Destiny, Herculean Harvest.
Into the second week as of today.
Thanks.  I never cracked open the Demeter's Destiny bottle...Are you at all surprised at the phosphorus/calcium load that these products have?  Nitrogen is low by comparison, but my plants don't seem to mind.
I've used NFTG for a few grows and it's really good stuff. We use the entire line, including bloom khaos and we've always had great results. Each piece has calcium in it so when using this stuff it's very hard to get calcium and magnesium issues. I wouldn't run it in a recirculating system but for drain to waste or hand watering it rocks.

If anyone is interested, just contact Scott and request a sample pack. You only pay shipping and easily get $200 worth of products. Scott is a very bright guy that is a blast to talk to. His coco and peat mediums are very nice as well.