production-facilities Need A Co-Packer (For Jars and Sachets)

Hi All,

Looking for co-packers in the MA and New England area that can package in sachets, pouches and cans/jars.

I'm a newbie here but I have read some of the postings and they've been very informative so far. I have a "traditional" recipe (for a sauce-like product, just thicker) that I will want to produce on commercial scale. The initial goal is to sell to people who are already familiar with the sauce (people from West Africa in the USA). For this target market, I can do with jars/cans of about 4oz, 8oz, 12oz and 16oz.

However, I trully believe there is the potential for a more broader market. So to make it easier for people who are unfailiar to test the sauce (which will cost slightly more to make than most sauces), I am looking for the possibility of packaging them in sachets and pouches.

Any sggestions on where I can find Co-packers (preferably in the Massachusetts and New England area) that will be able to package in Sachets and pouches will be very helpful.

Thank you. Hot For A Reason.
Thanks Dyce ...

Hi Dyce,

I read through that list but I just wanted to see if anybody knew any particular co-packer. I called a couple of the companies and none of them do sachet packing. Thanks for your response.