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Need advice for growing peppers

I am new to this hobby, and I just wanted to see how you guys reccomend start seeds and caring for the plants. If you could direct me to a thread or just answer the question it would be greatly appreciated.
Starting seeds - first give them a bath in 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 10 parts water, to kill off any hidden nasties. Soak at least 30 minutes, up to overnight. I then put seeds between 2 damp coffee filters then into a plastic tub (such as margarine comes in) and put it in a warm spot - the top of my fridge is usually it. Then wait patiently. Check at least once a day. If the coffee filters start getting dry, mist with some water. As soon as a root peeks out of the seed casing, move it to starter soil. If you do it pronto, you won't have to worry about which end goes up or down. If you wait, make sure the root end points down.
Don't use paper towels, as the weave is too loose and the roots may dig in. Coffee filters work much better as they have a denser weave. 
Yes, read through the items pinned at the top of the Growing Hot Peppers section, but some of us will post more as time allows.
Make sure to start with quality seeds to increase your chances of success. There are alot people here that can help with that.
Pretty much what geeme said.
Although I have recently just been direct planting into seed starting mix after an overnight soak. I used to do the coffee filter method with plastic zip bags, but noticed sometimes I'd get mold growth before the seeds germinated, despite using brand spanking new ziplock baggies each time and proper disinfecting; and it was hard remembering to check everyday lol.
The canna folks seem to use a paper plate method, where you put your coffee filter or paper towel inbetween two paper plates, so that is another option. Experiment and see what works for you.
I would recommend readin through some of the glogs. In my case I wrote of my wins and my failures.

Welcome aboard.