flavor Need advice on How to taste Pure Extract

I just bought something called "Satan's Blood," 800,000 s.u Chile Extract.


Chile Extract, red wine vinegar

If I taste a teaspoon of this, is it exactly the same as eating the same quantity of a pepper that is 800,000 s.u., or will it be much worse?:
It will suck. Seriously.

Eat some starchy foods first. Rice, mashed potatoes, corn, etc. This will help your stomach... which will still suck.

Have some whole milk on hand. Not 2%, 1%, or skim. In fact, get some buttermilk. The more fat the better. This will help with the burning in your mouth, lips, throat, etc... which will still suck.

Also record it. That way people can laugh as they watch you suffer. This will in no way make it seem like it was worth it. It will still suck.

:) Good luck!
in my opinion it will be much worse as the extract taste like CRAP! at least a pod has good flavor, i do not buy nor eat any extract sauce!
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I'm gonna do it, just not sure how. I already had dinner tonight. Tomorrow is no good, as I have to meet a friend after an early dinner and I need to have all of my composure. I'm thinking Thursday will be the night. Wednesdays, I traditionally have Roast Duck over white rice with Fatalli Puree.

I'll write back with a review.

Thanks 4 all the advice.

I'll have plenty of soft cheese available to help with the pain.
If you have to try it seriously EAT something first. Then don't be an idiot and try a teaspoon, just a drop or two will mess you up for a good long while......
Dragon, I'm feeling your pain already. However you try it, it will hurt.

Is the sauce rated/tested at 800,000 SHU or is the extract tested at 800,000SHU and then diluted with the vinegar in the recipe? Either way, it's probably freakin' hot!

You bring up an interesting point. I don't know at what point the product was tested. I just have the information from the bottle. I'll let everybody know how it goes.
I tried the 800k Scoville unit "Satan's Blood". It's the one in the little swingtop bottle/vial, right? It's extremely hot, but like surmised by others, it tastes terrible. I never found a reasonable use for the stuff after the novelty of it wore off. I put a drop into a jar of salsa, and it was not only too hot for me at the time, but you could taste that metallic horribleness also. In fact, it's probably still in my cabinet somewhere, it's been untouched for several years. Maybe aging will tone down the flavor profile, which was mostly ground dust of aluminum, with that lead/acid tang of a battery. Maybe it'll mellow down to just sucking on a galvanized washer... ;)
I read somewhere that if's great stuff to add to the ex boss's stuff in the executive wash room... hand soap ,moisturizer etc.

Also good to put on that muscle heads towels at the gym.
You know the guy,the one who is brain dead,can't talk and grunts loudly as he works out,loves looking in the mirror while while making fun of every one else...
I hear it's best applied mixed with alcohol in a spray bottle squirt through the vents of the guys locker door.

As far as tasting it,I'd use some one else's mouth and stomach.
I tried the 800k Scoville unit "Satan's Blood". It's the one in the little swingtop bottle/vial, right? It's extremely hot, but like surmised by others, it tastes terrible. I never found a reasonable use for the stuff after the novelty of it wore off. I put a drop into a jar of salsa, and it was not only too hot for me at the time, but you could taste that metallic horribleness also. In fact, it's probably still in my cabinet somewhere, it's been untouched for several years. Maybe aging will tone down the flavor profile, which was mostly ground dust of aluminum, with that lead/acid tang of a battery. Maybe it'll mellow down to just sucking on a galvanized washer... ;)


I've got the exact bottle that you described. I gave it a good whiff yesterday and it smells offensively. Either tomorrow or Thursday will be the taste day.

Now that I've tasted it, mods, maybe it should be moved to the reviews section.

It was hot, but bearable and much less deadly than I'd imagined. I poured around 1/4 of a teaspoon in a bowl and ate it all, but not all at once. The first taste was a tiny swipe of my index finger placed on my tongue. There was nothing unique or repulsive about the taste. It was the exact metallic twang that that I taste in sauces with extract, with a hint of the red wine vinegar. I swirled my tongue around my mouth and swallowed. The heat built, not not too much. I was able to wait 1 minute before eating. I could have waited more buy was hungry. After some mashed potatoes, gravy and fried Calamari, I was ready for more. This time I swiped 2 fingers and a much larger quantity. I then placed the extract on the back of my tongue, swirled my tongue around and swallowed. This was worse then the original and I got up and walked around a bit. The back of my through hurt and I panicked just a drop. The heat went away after another 2 minutes and I resumed my meal. I finished the rest of the poured extract with a few more finger swipes. 15 minutes have elapsed since the final tasting. I have a weird taste in my mouth and a warm feeling in my stomach and chest, but no residual pain.

It is hard to estimate the scovilles as I didn't have that much. I suffered a lot more when I ate a whole Yellow Fatalli and the Fatalli is supposed to max out at 300,000 scovilles, HOWEVER I do suspect that If I ate the same volume of Satan's Blood that is equivalent to the volume of a Fatalli Pod, I would have suffered more, but not 2.66 times more, which, would make the extract the reported 800,000 scovilles. I do suspect that if the 800,000 figure was really measured, it was the extract in pure form, before being mixed with the Red Wine Vinegar. My best guess is that the final product is around 450,000 scovilles.
Do NOT do a spoonful. Just trust me on that one. You will have some of the worst stomach pain you can imagine.
My best guess is that the final product is around 450,000 scovilles.
The scoville rating when these came out could have tested in at 800,000 10 years ago. The batch you currently have may not actually be as hot due to the ingredients used during its making. Of course they may not have ever tested the sauce and are putting that on the bottle to help with sales.

The CaJon's "Z" sauce claims to be 4 million SHU, but I can practically drink a bottle without much burning. Personally I would rate it at close to 100,000 SHU becuase it just is not that hot. Satan's blood is far hotter.

I also think a lot has to do the time of the day, PH balance in your saliva, if have already eaten, etc. etc.

Then again, this is all just my opion.