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seeds Need Advice, Seedling Problems

I need some help with these seedlings,
they are around 1 month old and over the last week all the older lower leaves have been yellowing and dropping off, some of the top older leaves have a dark marble effect coloring whislt others are looking bumpy and crinkly looking.
could it be over watering??? I don't think its over fertilizing as I have been using 1/4 to 1/2 strength solution, perhaps not enough fertilizer???
Its effecting about 30% of the seedlings, mainly the older ones.
Here are some pics;

The Temperature of the box they are in has been constantly around 25c and the humidity around 70%...
Here are a couple more pics;

When I had yellowing leaf's it was because they didn't have enough light/over watering them... so might be either one. Once i put them outside everything was ok.
Looks like not enough light if you are feeding right ! And if you think your over watering you probably are ;)
The bottom pic look like your losing chlorophyll , which is the reaction of UVA,UVB & UVC, because of chlorophyll’s selectivity regarding the wavelength of light it absorbs, areas of a leaf containing the molecule will appear green. With out the right light they will become yellow, transparent and drop off because the plant recognises that it is no longer needed, as it no longer a photoreceptor and useless and taking valuable nutes and energy.
Your new growth looks fine, I would suggest more penetrating light MH or HPS, if you are still under propagation fluoros. IMO

Just wondering, what kinda medium you have your seedlings in? Something with nutrient in it already or without nutrients?
My thoughts have been much the same, I think I just needed some 2nd opinions;
perhaps too much watering: I've cut down on watering already
not enough nutes: I'll add full strength and some super thrive
perhaps not enough light: they have 6 x 4ft grow fluros over them now in an area of 500mm x 500mm x 1500mm
with lights on 18 hrs, lights off 8 hrs, so for now I'll raise them closer to the lights

Here is info on the nutes I'm using:http://ecoorganicgarden.com.au/

These are the nutes I've been using, so now I'll change to full strength!!!

The Growing medium is good quality propagation soil with 20% vermiculite added.
...anything else you guys might suggest?
If your medium is 25% vermiculite I'd say it's too wet. That stuff really holds the water and switching it for perlite instead would improve your drainage and root aeration. I wouldn't use more than 5% vermiculite if at all.

When my seedlings are in small cups (16 oz) they only get fertilized once with a weak 1/4 strength solution and not again until they get a larger pot to help them make the transfer.
Silver_Surfer said:
If your medium is 25% vermiculite I'd say it's too wet. That stuff really holds the water and switching it for perlite instead would improve your drainage and root aeration. I wouldn't use more than 5% vermiculite if at all.

When my seedlings are in small cups (16 oz) they only get fertilized once with a weak 1/4 strength solution and not again until they get a larger pot to help them make the transfer.

The mix is 1 part Vermiculite to 4 parts seedling soil mix, they have had 2 x 1/4 to 1/2 srength waterings since being repotted to these cups. Its been 1 month now and they should be repotted again soon...