Need help! Ghost pepper or what?

Hello, I am recently new to the site and have found the forums to be quite helpful. Therefore I've come to ask for help. I purchased many different types of pepper seeds from pepper joe this year, one in particular being a ghost pepper. Now that the fruit is beginning to set, the two plants I have look completely different. One looks like a ghost pepper but the other does not. Is anyone able to identify this pepper or at least give me some ideas as to what it could be.
I am actually trying to post pictures but cannot for some reason. Anyways, the one ugly duckling so to speak is more round than a normal ghost. It is similar to a habsnero but not as smooth.
1. Welcome to the forums!
2. Seeing how this is your first post, mostly everyone will tell you to write a post introducing yourself
3. to post pictures, go to the .jpeg link and copy & paste it into [ img ] link [ /img ] with no spaces 
hope that helps
Welcome to THP. Once your pic(s) are uploaded you're sure to get some help.
In the meantime, sit back, grab a beverage, some popcorn & get ready for the resident Pepper ID PoPo to chastize you for not posting this in the "Pepper ID" section..